By: Alan Caudel
Defender of the Universe

Voltron from Sprite commercialVoltron from Sprite commercial

Voltron is back in action in a brand new commercial from Sprite! It's great, there is a live action cockpit view that parodies the Power Ranger style, then it cuts to a cool style cartoon of the five lions flying through the city. Throughout the commercial, there are even Japanese subtitles at the bottom! They beat up this robot that is wreaking havoc upon the city. I luckily was able to get the last half on tape, but I'm missing most of it. I'd love to get my hands on a copy if at all possible!!

The Figures have been re-released!
Word has it that there has been a re-release of the Voltron action figures. This has followed a recent surge of old 80's action figures being re-released. I've seen G.I. Joes put back on the shelf, and even the He-Man Figures may be re-released! What a wonderful time we live in (:
Well, if you haven't heard... Voltron is back on the air!
The CARTOON NETWORK premiered it's first episode of Voltron Monday, March 17th 1997 at 4:45 ET. If you don't have the Cartoon Network, call your local cable company, and say, "I want the Cartoon Network!!!"

Thanks for being number to my page!

"The coolest Voltron page this side of Arus!" -Pidge

Voltron was one of the coolest cartoons I can remember from growing up in the 80's. It was about a team of heroes that piloted 5 robotic lions. When in the heat of battle, they would join together to create the giant warrior, Voltron! Sound familiar? That' because...

Click HERE to download the Voltron theme song!!
I will do my best to get some more pictures up here. These have been up for about a year.
The Pilots!
Keith- The leader, and pilot of theblack lion.
Lance- 2nd in command. Pilot of the red lion.
Although he wears blue, don't be confused. He pilots the RED lion!
Princess Allura- 3rd in command, pilot of the blue lion.
Hunk- 4th in command. He pilots the yellow lion.
Pidge- Fifth in command. The little annoying kid who pilots the green lion.
That's it for now. I'll try to work on this page more when I get the chance!