Brought to you by
The South Park Wolfpac

The folks at Alta Vista were nice enough to provide the code to insert a direct link to their handy dandy search engine. So if you need to find something on the Internet, here is a good place to start...

Search and Display the Results

If you REALLY want some insight into the state of our society... go to the Webcrawler "Search Ticker".  This displays all the words/topics people are using to search the web.  Very entertaining and mildly alarming.

Some other locations I would recommend:

Alice Cooper sites
Alice's Official Home Page (Alice's Attic)
Alice Cooper themes for your Windows desktop
Alice Trivia

Other Music
Captain Beefheart home page
They Might Be Giants
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame + Museum

Fun stuff
South Park
A comprehensive collection of quotes from "The Tick"
Center for the easily amused
Monty Python's Flying Circus
Blip  - online games!!!
Tom's Workshop - Handcrafted wood items
Beyond the Ark (Christian cartoons meet The Far Side...interesting!)

Politics & News & Events
Associated Press
ESPNET SportsZone
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet