- Amos n' Andy Discussion Group
Post your ideas, questions, Amos n' Andy for sale, Amos n' Andy wanted, ETC.

(My Personal Choice) Amos n' Andy tapes and DVD's

- The Beginning
All About "Amos 'n' Andy. A book first written in 1929
- History
Background information.
- "If we had it to do Over Again"
An article on the 14th anniversary of the "Amos 'n' Andy" radio show.
- Cast
Pictures of the cast.
- Filmography
Filmography of the Cast
- Episodes
- List of episodes
- Episodes available
- Episodes linked to pictures
- Amos 'n Andy Books and Audio Cassettes
from Amazon.com Any item bought from Amazon.com through this site will generate a small profit. This money will be used to purchase books and supplies for the kids at the Minneapolis Childrens Hospital.
- Amos n' Andy Cup
Great cup sent to me by a fan of the show. Thank You!
- Spencer Williams
Article from the Concordia Sentinel. Thank You Nolen!
- Tim Moore Co-Worker
A letter sent to me by a gentleman, Dave Wilson, who worked
with Tim Moore when he was a teenager. Dave now lives in Texas, but was originally from Rock Island IL. Thanks Dave.
- Andy Brown Store Display
A picture of a rare 6'2" Pepsodent store display with reference to "Check and Double Check". This picture was sent by a Amos n'Andy fan and collector. Thank you.
- A Letter from the Grandson of Charles Correll
- Paul West Paul West was one of the writers of the Amos 'n' Andy TV show. This page contains information from his son, who grew up with Amos and Andy. Thank's Bill.
- Commercials
Sponsors of Amos 'n' Andy.
- Anatomy of a Controversy
Video about the controversy surrounding Amos 'n' Andy.
Check and Double Check A film starring Freeman Gosden, and Charles Correll, in blackface.
- Amos n' Andy Watches
From Henry's Attic, a book on Henry Ford
- A Challange:
Which UPN 'black' show is worst? By Robert Bianco Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
- Read This.
Does the media really control what we think?
- After Amos n' Andy
Where did the cast go after "Amos and Andy"?
- Michael's Page
Dedicated to my three year old grandson who was diagnosed with brain cancer on June 20th 1998
My tribute to the 50s TV series, with other bits of Superman information thrown in.