Brud's Page

Hi, and welcome to my's the dancin'est homepage on Earth! What makes it the dancin'est, you ask? If you think you know, sign my guestbook and tell me! Whoever is right gets a prize.
If you're here, chances are you already know who I am, but if not, you can always go to the bio. That's what it's there for. Imagine that.
4/29/99- General updation. And it only took 4 months.
My old counter says that you're person number , which is obviously wrong.

Other Parts of the Page

My Bio

The Midi Page
-The favorite midi page of the NES Pro Wrestling commentators!


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Eric L. says: "Sign the guestbook or I'll punch you in the arm!"

Shouts go out to Melissa, Rachel, Lou, Kent, AJ, Ellee, Bruce, Meg, Dusty, Jack, Bob, Brett, and anyone else I know that might come here.

Copyright 1998

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Note: Prize may not be what is promised, what the recipient hopes it is, or anything at all.