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Photography Includes links to sites relating to photography such as Kodak, New York Institute of Photography, Pentax, etc. Also includes some of my own photographs in my mini gallery (b&w and colorized). Navigator 3.0 or higher is required for full access to the galleries.
The Front Page A sample of The Front Page as created free by Excite Live! (not by me). Take a look, it's very interesting and informative. It is updated very frequently.
Health & Science Links to sites relating to health, medicine, and science such as the FDA, Journal of Molecular Biology, CQC Prosthodontics, NASA, etc.
Recreation & Sports Links to sites relating to sports, TV, and movies such as Tales from the Crypt, Runners’ World, NBA, JL Audio, etc.
A Little About Me A brief self introduction with a few pictures to add a little bit of life to it.
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Geocities Hollywood
First created March 19, 1996; Slightly revised December 15, 1997 2467 Hollywood design and upkeep by Anthony Angelini unless otherwise noted