This is a walk down memory lane
for the Children of the Eighties

I was born in 1978 which makes me a certified child of the eighties. There are few things I enjoy more than thinking back to all the things that I did, and the things that I loved as a child living in the 1980s. I have built this page to remind all other children of the eighties of what is was that we did back then. I have collected many images of the eighties that go along with the reminders. They may even help to refresh your memory of the things you knew, and loved. This will be a collection of memories separated into the categories; Television, Music, Toys, and News.
Television memories.
I would be so excited when the night came because I knew that I would get to watch the two people whom I thought were the coolest people in the world, Bo and Luke Duke, on "The Dukes of Hazard". During the day I remeber watching Linda Carter play the awesome "Wonder Woman". That name brings back millions of memories of times spent with my cousins in "Underoos". We would also watch, "The A Team". However, to me nothing was cooler than watching, "You Can't Do That On Television". I wished every night that I could go get slimed with Christine (moose), Lisa, Alasdair, and Alanis. I would wish I had a car like "Knight Rider". I thought someday my Grandma would join Sophia Petrillo on "The Golden Girls". For Nine Seasons we watched the gang at "The Facts Of Life". Remember how they tore the masks off of the bad guys at the end of each "Scooby Doo" episode to always reveal sabotage. I remember wishing to join the fun at "Pee-Wee's Playhouse". I'll never forget the day my mom told me not to watch that show anymore. Remember when Jessie Spano was a member of the gang on "Saved By the Bell" and not stripping for "Showgirls"?
Toy Memories.
I went head first into the era of "He-Man". This was when I entered kindergarten at the age of 5. My classmates and I would all bring our "He-Man" figures to school and play with them during recess. I was never a fan of "She-Ra", I guess it had something to do with her being a girl, and thus having cooties. After "He-Man" got old, I needed to find something new to get into. The new thing I found was the "Transformers". They were the coolest thing I had ever seen, and I had visions of meeting "Optimus Prime" and helping him to destroy "Megatron" and all of the "Decepticons". Other fantastic toys of my youth were The Garbage Pail Kids. I had so many of these I didn't know what to do with them. We also went through the Yo-Yo phase. I could not get enough of these toys, and to this day they are all still in my attic. Sometimes I like to bring them out and look at them. Some girl's toys were These. Why don't they make toys like that anymore?? The "Power rangers" are no comparison to "He-Man" and the "Transformers".
Music Memories.
My musical memories begin with Michael Jackson's "Thriller", and "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" from Cyndi Lauper. Remember back when Madonna first started out, when MTV was cool, and Downtown Julie Brown was a VJ? In the third grade all I did was listen to The Bangles. "Walk Like An Egyptian" was the coolest thing ever.I then went to the fourth grade, and I fell in love with Tiffany the instant I heard "I Think We're Alone Now". My obsession with Tiffany was very short due to the sudden presence of a blonde girl named Debbie Gibson. Here she is with Tiffany Her First Album, "Out of the Blue" Was the most fabulous thing I had ever heard. I lost my interest in Tiffany when I first heard "Only In My Dreams" on MTV, back when that was cool. In the fifth grade I lost my pop taste, and threw out my Debbie and Tiffany posters and traded them in for the new cool music bands. They were, Def Leppard, Poison, Whitesnake, and Cinderella. I would listen to Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar On Me" every waking moment of the day. I used to fantasize about Lita Ford "Kiss(ing) Me Deadly". My stint with those bands lasted only as long as my stay in the fifth grade. When Summer ended, and Sixth grade started, Debbie Gibson was back with her new album, "Electric Youth". Then seemingly overnight the world had a stench of Electric Youth Perfume.
Movie Memories
Don't you remember the great movies of the eighties? Ofcourse you remember E.T.. I remember when "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" came out and that Halloween everyone seemed to be Ewoks. I begged for Karate Lessons after watching Mr. Myagi teach Daniel Son how to do it in "The Karate Kid". There was nothing scarier than this in the 80s. Didn't it seem like every single movie starred These Guys? The Brat Pack was everywhere, the poster girl for the 80s was Molly Ringwald. I remember watching her in zillions of movies. That was when we all hoped we would not end up like This. I mean Anthony Michael Hall was the dork in every movie. The coolest kid in the world was Ferris Bueller.
Sports hero memories.
Remember back when Michael Jordan was a new guy, and Nike came out with the "Air Jordans". I would argue on end that WWF wrestling was not fake. I had my wrestling idol, Hulk Hogan. Who could forget the first Olympics that I remember, the 1984 olympics in Los Angeles. When Mary Lou Retton landed two perfect 10 vaults to clinch the all-around. No one could forget the fingernails of Florence Griffith Joyner in the '88 olympics in Seoul, Korea. Carl Lewis ran pretty fast too.
News Memories.
The President was Ronald Reagan, and he could do nothing wrong, and our enemy was him.. Don't get me wrong the 80s were not totally without flaw. But, they were nothing like today. Back then people were the only things that could get viruses. Back then one in ten people would not develope AIDS. The 80s did have it's own traumas. There was ofcourse the Iran-Contra Affair. I remeber When everyone was scared of Mu'ammar Qadhafi, and his country of Libya. I watched Geraldo Riviera pull absolutely nothing out of Al Capone's vault. And I watched something that scarred me for life. It was the most heartbreaking thing I had ever seen in my young life. I will never forget coming home from school, turning on the TV, and watching the Challenger blow up. The image of the smoke in the sky is still in everyone's mind. It happened when I was in the second grade, and I felt so bad for the family of Christa McCauliffe, the first teacher in space.
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***All pictures remain the propery of those who took them.***
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