Quiet ride in the park.

Pictures & Words by Duane Brown

not too quiet...

"I accept that I will be exposed to inherent dangers and other risks that can cause serious injury or death." Do I?, Does my student medical insurance cover this? I thought reading the back of my Squaw Valley ticket. This, a familiar place to me having skied here many times, however the only snow left now dotted Squaw's high peaks at 9000ft. Small glacial patches melted to picturesque streams. Towering pines and lush vegitation cover the landscape, blah blah blah. Enough scenery, I came to ride.

15mph speed limit, yeah right...

The mountains disappear as tunnel vision sets in, speeds over 50mph are easily reached. The park, for safety & legal reasons prints 15mph as the limit. Yeah, right. The park opens at 10:00am and closes at 5:00pm, the last cable car up for bikes is 4:40pm. After a long day filled with white knuckled descents and breakneck speeds, take a relaxing bungee jump, or an invigorating spa at the high camp bath & tennis club. Relax in the lagoon styled swimming pool with a cold microbrew or skate on an Olympic sized ice rink. The last tram down is at 9:40pm making for a full day of excitement. Call Squaw for more info, they have a variety of activities and prices. Tell them where you saw this, and watch out for the haybails...800-545-4350

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