The mountains disappear as tunnel vision sets
in, speeds over 50mph are easily reached. The park, for safety & legal
reasons prints 15mph as the limit. Yeah, right. The park opens at 10:00am
and closes at 5:00pm, the last cable car up for bikes is 4:40pm. After
a long day filled with white knuckled descents and breakneck speeds, take
a relaxing bungee jump, or an invigorating spa at the high camp bath &
tennis club. Relax in the lagoon styled swimming pool with a cold microbrew
or skate on an Olympic sized ice rink. The last tram down is at 9:40pm
making for a full day of excitement. Call Squaw for more info, they have
a variety of activities and prices. Tell them where you saw this, and watch
out for the haybails...800-545-4350 |