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Future Figures
Here is a list of the Future Confirmed Figures in Alphabetical Order.
4-LOM (From Josh Poley)
A-Wing Pilot (comes with A-Wing) (From Michael Wistock at Collectors Empire)
Admiral Ackbar (From Josh Poley)
Admiral Ackbar 12" (From Michael Wistock at Collectors Empire)
AT-AT Driver (comes with AT-AT)
Bib Fortuna
Blockade Runner Soldier (From Josh Poley)
B'Omarr Monk (From Rich)
Chewbacca Captive (comes in 3-Pack with Resculptured Han Solo Stormtrooper and Luke Skywalker Stormtrooper) (From Joe Leung)
Darth Vader Premium
Death Star Droid
Dengar (Prototype Pic) (From Joseph Leung)
Dewback Sandtrooper
Emperor Palpatine (From Joseph Leung)
Emperor Palpatine F/X
Emperor's Imperial Guard (Close Up) (From Josh Poley)
EV-9D9 (From Josh Poley)
Cantina Band Member
Garindan (From Josh Poley)
Gammorean Guard
General Veers (comes with AT-AT) (From Josh Poley)
Grand Moff Tarkin
Han Solo (Comes with Jabba)
Han Bespin (From Josh Poley)
Han Endor
Han Solo Premium
Han Stormtrooper (comes in Multi Pack) (From Joe Leung)
Hoth Rebel Soldier Deluxe (From Michael Wistock)
Imperial Officer
Jabba the Hut (comes with Han Solo Figure)
Jawa (comes with Ronto) (From Josh Poley)
Lando as Skiff Guard (From Joseph Leung)
Leia Hoth
Leia Slave
Luke Skywalker Bespin
Luke Ceremonial (From Michael Wistock)
Luke Skywalker Hoth (comes with Taun Taun)
Luke Jedi F/X
Luke Skywalker Premium
Luke Stormtrooper Resculptured (comes in Multi Pack) (From Joe Leung)
Mon Mothma
Nien Nunb (From Josh Poley)
Paploo the Ewok (comes in 2-Pack with Wicket)
Ponda Baba Close Up (From Joe Leung)
Leia Endor (comes with Speederbike) (From Josh Poley)
Leia Slave Girl
Rancor Keeper (From Josh Poley)
Rebel Soldier in Endor Fatigues
Ronto (comes with Jawa) (From Pangea Toy Network)
Sandtrooper (comes with Dewback)
Snowtrooper (From Josh Poley)
Snowtrooper Deluxe (From Josh Poley)
Taun Taun (comes with Luke Hoth
Wedge Antilles (comes with Millenium Falcon Carrying Case) (From Michael Wistock)
Weequay (Close Up) (From Joe Leung)
Wicket (comes with Paploo the Ewok in a 2-Pack)
For a list and picture of Upcoming Vehicles and Playsets go here
This info is thanks to Adam Pawlus.
1997 figures with rumored release dates:
Garindan- ?
Gammorean Guard- ?
Bib Fortuna- APRIL
Han (Endor)- APRIL
Lando (skiff)- APRIL
Emperor- APRIL
Weequay- MAY
Blockade Runner Trooper- MAY
Grand Moff Tarkin- MAY
Ponda Baba- MAY
Luke in ceremonial outfit- MAY
ASP Droid- MAY
Dengar- JULY
Admiral Ackbar- JULY
Leia as slave girl- JULY
Royal Guard- AUGUST
Han (Endor)- AUGUST
Dr. Evazan- ?
Electronic figures w rumored release dates:
Emperor Palpatine- JUNE
Jedi Knight Luke- JUNE
Vehicles w rumored release dates:
A-wing with pilot- MAY
Speederbike with Leia- JUNE
Deluxe Figuresw rumored release dates:
Hoth Soldier with Radar Laser Gun-?
Snowtrooper with Tri-Pod Laser- ?
Beast Assortmentw rumored release dates:
Jabba with Han- JUNE
Dewback with Sandtrooper- JUNE
Ronto with 2 Jawas- JUNE
Tauntaun with Luke(Hoth)- ?
Collectors Fleet:(models, ships that aren't big enought for the figures)
Star Destroyer-SPRING
Correlian Corvette- SPRING
Death Star- SPRING
12 " figures:
Boba Fett
Lando- JAN
Luke (X-wing and Bespin)
Tusken Raider- FEB
Above is a picture of O'Marr Monk. Possibly available in August as an internet figure. This picture courtesy of Rich, visit his page by clicking here. Note: This picture is not the
actual figure, just and enhancement of the Kenner photo Thanks Rich for the picture.
To see how the Figures are being shipped visit here

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