Insanity4Me`s Anti Sailormoon Page!
Insanity4Me`s Anti Sailormoon Page
Rini with a Vengence
Shoot her Rini! Then the rest of those Scouts/Senshi,
and last, and one most deserving, Shoot _yourself_, Rini!

Insanity4Me`s Opionions on Sailor Buffoon, I mean Moon

6/27/00 Two updates in two months, who could have guessed? And not only that, but what is probably the biggest update since I moved this place to Geocities. Actually, the two new sections going up today I've had around for awhile (one since last year..), just never knew if I should actually link 'em or not. But since someone suggested that I make a warp page dedicated to destroying Chibimoon's face (which I did, just go down to facelift fun and see...), and I was editing this page anyway, I went ahead and did it. Misconceptions is the closest thing I will probably ever have to a responce to all the lovely mail I get. 'How the NA dub was made' is the other section that's new. Enjoy. Or hate. Not like I really care.

I'd like to mention that this page contains mild language, and suggestions of even stronger language. Very obvious suggestions. You have been warned.


Why I hate Sailormoon

The Mysterious "We" I refer to on this page

Certain Reasons Why Characters Suck

Those Damn Moonies

World Domination in the Sailor Moon Universe

How the NA Sailormoon Dub Was Made

Anti-SailorMoon Images

Give Sailormoon a Facelift (a fun JAVA applet)

Insanity4Me's Anti Anti Anti Anti Anti Anti Anti Anti Anti Agency (the A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.)

E-mail Me




When we found out that the Japanese Manga and Anime finally stoped we felt the flowing emotions:... Oh, f*** it! Just get a thesaurus and look under "Happy" or "Joy"

Be pleasantly surprised (except moonies, who will be very pissed off--to hell with censoring!) when I do update.

Oh yes, if you have a preferance of this background over the ugly green one that's used in most of the page or vice versa, tell me, and maybe one day I'll change all the backgrounds to the one you perfer (probably not, but there's a chance...)

lalala since this page was created, on 8/28/98

(hey, I just noticed I've gotten more hatemail than hits! *hears someone say "You seem so proud"* Damn right I'm proud. How many of you can say that?)

[Alright, finally, since last I saw this counter, my hits have surpassed my hatemail (of course, me sitting there hitting the refresh button a few times probably helped) but in rememberance of that time, I've decided to preserve the above sentence for posterity.]

Last Updated 7/27/00