"I cause all things to be by centering them from within and controlling them from without."

Let me tell you a story

In 1993, I went to California without any money, borrowing the fare. When I came back to Paris, my situation was uneasy : I had debts and survived with 400$ per month, nonetheless I had attended lectures and read some essential books. In California, some people talked about the power of thought. I practiced all these precepts, visualizing money, and after one month, I won at a french lottery called "The Millionnaire".
I remember, that afternoon, I had an appointment with a social worker. I bought the first ticket just leaving my appartment then a second one near the social center. Back home, I remembered these tickets and decided to scratch them. The first displayed 4$ and the second 10 000$. I watched the second one, several times, before realizing that the sum was right.
At the very beginning, I had made a list of all my desires and I spent the money as dreamt.
For several years, I had been trying several methods without big results. I had come back from California exhilarated. This very day, the 13th of October 1993, I just broke a taboo : Thought has an effect upon money.

And you ? Have you any anecdotes or ideas about the power of thought ? If so, please tell me them at JCarfantan@POBoxes.com, so we will exchange some ideas

Aladdin story

Some words by Krishnamurti

Some books I read

Here is the check! (186ko)

Copyright © 1995 Jean Carfantan