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Jul 22, 2000 - Selene Forms New Band

After keeping a low profile for quite some time since the breakup of 7 Year Bitch, Selene is back with a new band named Cistine and a new song called "Breathe Heavy" which can be downloaded in MP3 format. Not much else is known at this time other than the sound will be quite different from that of 7 Year Bitch and has been described as:
"Dark, eerie, and even a little bit artsy. Producer Matt Sherrod has replaced the Bitch's hot 'n fast guitar riffs with ice-cold piano notes; squelching keyboards and rattling percussion make the song that much more ominous. Vigil, meanwhile, has reigned in her voice -- the usual growl and snap has been replaced by a quiet purr. But even though her bark is gone, the music still has plenty of lyrical bite. The bitch is back -- proceed with caution."

Take a listen to the song and see what you think and be sure to keep checking back for more info as it becomes available!

Nov 24, 1997 - Elizabeth Joins New Band

Elizabeth has decided to join the San Francisco band, Clone for her next musical venture. The sound will be quite a departure from that of 7 Year Bitch, and Elizabeth describes it as:
"Female vocals-very eerie and gothic and the music, especially the bass and drums, are influenced quite a lot by The Birthday Party, Six Finger Satellite and the guitar is very Helios Creed and Chrome inspired. Stuff I've been into for years. And we have wierd sci-fi keyboards too which is something I've been wanting to do."

Elizabeth is obviously quite excited about the new band, and it will be fun to see how things develop. The Clone website has some soundclips (recorded prior to Elizabeth joining) if you'd like to get a preview. A demo tape can also be ordered. Be sure to check back again soon for more info!

Oct 1, 1997 - 7 Year Bitch Breaks Up

As many of you may have already heard, the members of 7YB have decided to part ways. Not many details are known, as everyone is still quite upset about the whole situation, but the prospect of a reconciliation looks extremely grim at this point. As usual, if any further information becomes available, you can be sure to find it here first.

Sep 1, 1997 - Iggy Pop Tribute/Hype! Released Soon

Mark your calendars for September 16th as both the Iggy Pop Tribute album and the Hype! video will be released that day. Hype! features some live footage of 7YB from right after Roisin joined the band as well as a short interview with Selene, Elizabeth and Valerie. The Iggy Pop tribute has the ladies doing a cover version of "Shake Appeal," on which there is no bass and instead Elizabeth joins Lisa Faye in playing guitar. Be sure to check this out, as it also supports a good cause!

Jul 14, 1997 - Iggy Pop Tribute Info

It looks like the Iggy Pop tribute album ("We Will Fall: A Tribute to Iggy Pop") will be getting released sometime in September. At this time, a more specific date is not available. In addition to 7 Year Bitch, performing their version of "Shake Appeal", the album will have a stellar lineup including: The Misfits, Joan Jett & The Blackhears ("I Wanna Be Your Dog" - live), Nada Surf, Sugar Ray,
Monster Magnet, Bush Tetras, Joey Ramone, NY Loose, Lunachicks, Jayne County,
Superdrag, D Generation, Extra Fancy, Fu Manchu, Blondie (recording
as Hitler's Dog), Pansy Division, Red Hot Chili Peppers (the often released "Search & Destroy"),
Blanks 77, Lenny Kaye, Holy Bulls, and Nine Lives. Keep an eye out for it!

Apr 29, 1997 - New 7 Year Bitch Fanzine

Kara wrote in to let everyone know about her new zine, which is called Disillusion. Each issue will be devoted to a different band. The first issue, which is available now, is a tribute to 7 Year Bitch. It includes lyrics, interviews, reviews and opinions, tour info, a discography, a biography, tablature, pictures, news (old and new), other zine ads/reviews, and all sorts of other good stuff. It only costs two dollars, or one dollar plus two stamps for postage, and she also accepts trades. If possible, please send cash only. Issue number 2 will be on Bikini Kill and will follow the same basic format. If you have anything that you want to contribute for the next issue, including suggestions and ideas, or want to place an order for the 7 Year Bitch issue, write to Kara at:

1516 Plum Ridge Ct
Matthews, NC 28105


email: icybloo7yb@aol.com

Apr 28, 1997 - Shake Appeal Cover Update

Elizabeth sent me a note saying that they were going to be recording their version of Iggy Pop's song 'Shake Appeal' yesterday. The song will be on a covers compilation benefit album for Lifebeat due out later this year. Here's what she had to say:

"I'm not sure if there will be any bass on it. Maybe just two guitars. We're not really rehearsing the song, however, cause we'd rather just bang out whatever comes naturally when we get in the studio. Eric Drew Feldman (formerly keyboardist of Captain Beefheart, Pere Ubu and the Pixies and currently with P.J. Harvey's band) is going to play some organ on it. We want to do something really different. We jammed on it once and four tracked it. It was pretty strange and goofy. Who knows, it could come out heavy as hell or it might sound like circus music." |

Should be fun to listen to when it gets released!

Apr 1, 1997 - Benefit Show Update

The benefit show 7 Year Bitch will be doing is called Boarding for Breast Cancer. Also playing will be Primus, Luscious Jackson, Angelface, That Dog and more. It's at Sierra at Tahoe. Price is $25 for the concert only and $40 for all day including lift ticket and concert. If you see them, email me a review!

Mar 19, 1997 - New Album Update

Elizabeth reports that they've been doing some 4-track demos this past week. She said it's been pretty fun listening to the playbacks as the sound is 'REALLY different' with Lisa Fay. Can't wait to hear it! I'll post more info on the album as I get it.

Mar 16, 1997 - 7YB To Play Benefit Show

Elizabeth sent me the following info this afternoon:

"hey dan-

we are playing a breast cancer benefit on April 19 in Lake Tahoe. The exact location, I"m not sure of yet but will let you know. There are other bands too of course but i only know for sure that Lucsious Jackson is one of them. We go on about noon. It is a snowboarding/ music event show much like BoardAid which we did last February. Will clue you in as soon as I'm clued in. Thanks!

-elizabitch" |

As soon as I get any more details on this, I'll post the info.

Mar 10, 1997 - 7YB On Tribute Album

In regards to current plans for recording, Elizabeth sent me the following info last night:

"We will be recording a track for Royalty Records who is doing a tribute album that will be a benefit for LifeBeat. We've done some snowboarding events for LifeBeat. It's a cool organization that helps out kids with HIV/AIDS and also does education on prevention. The tribute is Iggy Pop/Stooges. The song we're doing is 'Shake Appeal' and we're recording it here in S.F. with Billy Anderson." |

As soon as I get any more details on this, I'll post the info. If anyone has the web site address for Lifebeat, please email me so that I can add it to this listing.

If you have any news items to contribute, please email me
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