Archmage - New Proficiencies

Concealed Casting (Dex, 1 slot)
Using this proficiency, a wizard can hide the somatic components from any
spell from sight, and muffle the verbal components.
If the check fails, either the spell fails, too, or it is cast normally but
in very plain sight of anybody watching (50% chance of each).
Note that wizards without this proficiency can achieve the same effect using
illusions like IPF.
A succesfully concealed spell cannot be identified by the Spellcraft profi-
ciency, unless a natural 1 is rolled.

Remembrance (Int -3, 1 slot)
A wizard with this proficiency can, in cases of emergency, attempt to cast
a spell he knows (i.e. has succesfully learned and has in his spellbook)
but doesn't have memorized.
In order for this to succeed, the wizard must 'spend' (remove from his
memory) a number of spells of which the total level is at least twice that
of the spell he's trying to cast; if he cannot do this, he can force the
necessary energy from his body, but this results in a loss of five hit
points per spell level and an additional -2 penalty to the proficiency
check. These two methods cannot be mixed. The wizard cannot spend five hit
points and four spell levels for a third-level spell.
A proficiency check must also be made. If it fails, the wizard still looses
the spells or hit points, but the spell he was trying to cast fails. This
may result in a wild surge, at the DM's option. If the check succeeds, the
intended spell is cast as normal, but the casting time is doubled. This
cannot be used in conjunction with Speedcasting.
Some modifiers to the proficiency check:
-2: Loss of life instead of spells (as listed above)
+2: Spell is of the wizard's specialist school
+1: Spell is three levels below the wizard's maximum
+2: Spell is four levels below the wizard's maximum (etc.)
+2: Spell was memorized by the wizard that same day
-4: Spell hasn't been memorized by the wizard for more than tree days
-8: Spell hasn't been memorized by the wizard for more than ten days
Of course, if the wizard never memorized the spell (or an awful long time
ago, per the DM), this won't work.

Speedcasting (Int -4, 1 slot)
In conditions where delay means doom, or simply when he'd like a lower ini-
tiative, a mage can use this proficiency to speed up his spellcasting.
When the check succeeds, the wizard can cast the spell in half the normal
casting time, rounded up. When it fails, so does the spell (possibly in a
wild surge, at the DM's option). Also, some more spells, chosen at random,
will be wiped from his mind. Roll 1d8 to determine the levels of those
spells, then randomly select from each level. If this is impossible, roll
again (i.e. a 3rd level mage loosing a 5th level spell).
1.4x1st 5.1x1st, 2x2nd
2.5x1st 6.1x1st, 1x4th
3.3x1st, 1x2nd 7.1x2nd, 1x3rd
4.2x1st, 1x3rd 8.1x5th

Anatomy (Int, 1 slot)
This proficiency involves the knowledge of the secret mysteries and intri-
cacies of the human body, including the structure, function, and location
of bones, muscles, organs and other soft tissues. This skill provides the
scholarly foundation for the Anatomist's special abilities. This proficien-
cy also comes in handy with certain necromantic spells (such as Corpse Link,
Spectral Voice and Graft Flesh), which require fresh body parts that have
been carefully harvested from cadavers.
This proficiency also has some less gruesome benefits. A detailed knowledge
of anatomy can help with both the treatment of disease and the accurate
artistic representation of the human body. Characters with the anatomy non-
weapon proficiency automatically increase their skill with healing and
artistic ability proficiencies (+2 bonus to both ability checks).

Necrology (Wis, 1 slot)
A character with this skill is well versed in the lore of undead creatures.
This proficiency may be used to help determine the probable lairs, dining
habits and history of such creatures (no ability check needed). Whenever a
Character with this skill confronts an undead, he or she may be able to
specifically identify the creature (discerning between a ghast and a common
ghoul, for instance). In addition, providing the character makes another
successful ability check, he or she recalls the creature's specific weak-
nesses and natural defenses or immunities. At the DM's discretion, a failed
ability check (in either of these cases) will reveal misleading or even
completely erroneous information which may actually strengthen or otherwise
benefit the undead.

Netherworld Knowledge (Wis -3, 1 slot)
With this proficiency, a character learns about the cosmology and organiza-
tion of the RPG game multiverse, focusing primarily on the unltimate des-
tination of spirits after death: the Outer Planes. In addition, the
character learns about the behavior of the dangerous creatures that inhabit
the nether regions, including such fiends as the tanar'ri and the baatezu.
As with necrology (which applies exculsively to undead), netherworld know-
ledge can reveal the specific weaknesses and natural immunities of beings
from the Outer Planes. The proficiency can also be used to classify the
exact type of extraplanar creature encountered. Both of these abilities
require an ability check, however.

Spirit Lore (Cha -4, 2 slots)
A character with the spirit lore proficiency knows methods to contact
spirits, deities and extraplanar powers. He or she can more easily communi-
cate with these beings, gaining a +5% chance of success (no ability check
necessary) when attempting divinatory spells such as Augury, Contact Other
Plane, Commune, Divination, Speak with Dead, Summon Spirts, and so on.
This ability may also be used to contact the dead without resorting to
magic (handy for low-level characters and individuals who do not know magic,
such as psionicists). Using pyromancy (divination by candles), tarot cards
and other mystical rites, the character can ask questions of these powers
as if using a Summon Spirit or Speak with Dead spell (no body required, and
there is no applicable time limit).
Before beginning the contact, the character must prepare for half an hour,
making sure that the area has no spirits around to confuse readings.
Contact with the dead is established if a successful check is made. A
failed roll reveals nothing. If the roll is 10 or more under the number
needed, a specific spirit can be contacted. A roll of four or more above
the needed number (or a 20) reveals incorrect information, perhaps from an
evil spirit. Individuals with the psionic ability of Spirit Sense gain +2
to ability checks.
The summoner can ask questions of these spirits, but the spirits are not
obliged to answer. If annoyed, the spirits can sever the link at will. The
questioner can ask 1d3 questions, plus one for every slot above two spent
on this proficiency. Contact may not be made more than once per day and is
inadvisable more than once per week. The dead do not appreciate being dis-
turbed and may take revenge. The DM can refer to the 4th level spell Summon
Spirits for more details about interacting with the dead.

Venom Handling (Wis -2, 1 slot)
With this proficiency, a charcter learns how to safely use both magical and
mundane poisons. There is no danger of such a character accidentally stab-
bing someone with a poisoned weapon. Also, the character can identify a
poison and a possible antidote by visual inspection of the venom or its
symptoms in a victim (with an ability check). In addition, a character can
identify naturally occurring animals, plants or monsters that are poisonous
(with an ability check). Any roll which fails by 4 or more results in a
misidentification of both the poison and its antidote.
At the DM's discretion, characters with also the animal handling, herbalism
and brewing non-weapon proficiencies may be able to manufacture some of the
more deadly poisons listed on page 73 of the DMG. The cost and time required
for such an activity should be adjudicated by the DM, but providing all of
the components are personally harvested by the character, it should take no
less than 1-6 days to make one dose of poison. Magical poisons cannot be
manufactured using this ability.

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