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Newest Godzilla news.

Check out Cinescape Online for designs of the latest Godzilla incarnation. Look under the archive for 7-30-99. They have new pictures from TOHO's site.

Order Godzilla and Gamera Toys from TRENDMASTERS here

I have ICQ now. My user name is Prefect, and my number is 17905840. Feel free to contact me, just say you saw the info on this page.

New for this site!!!!!! On 11-21-00
Well, by now everyone has heard Tristar @#$%ed up 
Godzilla 2000 on DVD and will not be adding the
promised Japanese version.  The DVD is scheduled for 12-26-00.
On a similar ote, the VHS copies schedule for rental today were
a no-show at Blockbuster video.  As an employee there I tried 
to find out what happened, but all we know is that the tapes
ended up not shipping from Tristar.  If the VHS release date
was changed, Blockbuster was not notified (in fact we have signs
up saying it comes out today).

Godzilla 2000 is now available for pre-order on DVD at  They are listing that is will contain both the
dubbed English track, as well as a 5.1 Japanese language track.
I hope this is true, because if it does have the original 
Japanese language track, I will have to buy it.

the Review page has been updated with
review of Godzilla vs Destroyer and Gamera 3.  Sorry it has 
taken so long, butmy last year of college was very busy and since
I am now working as crew on feature films, that means I work
18 hour days.  The updates may be coming slowly, but they will be

Godzilla 2000 was just released today.  Let me just say
Sony/Tristar should be ashamed at what they did to the film.
The Dubbing is some of the worst I have ever seen.  Even scarier
is the fact that it looks like it was intentionally poorly dubbed
just to make it funny.  Also the english dialogue is atrocious,
and whoever wrote it should never be allowed to write again.
On an even more negative note, the FX are terrible until the 
final battle between Godzilla and Ogra.  It appears the film's
entire budget was set aside just for this one scene, so 
everything that comes before it is horrible looking.  On a 
positive note, the movie seemed like a subtitled version would
be worth owning just for the sotryline which Sony corrupted
with bad attempts at cuteness and humor.

Good News GODZILLA fans.  As of 8-3-99 Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla 1993
 (aka Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla 2) is available in the US from Tristar.  Tristar learned from the past
and this tape is in SP mode (instead of the EP mode the rest of the series is in).  Stores by me have
it for about $20.  Tristar also released MOTHRA (aka Rebirth of Mothra) and MOTHRA II (aka Rebirth of Mothra 2).  It is also in SP mode and sells for $20.  Unfortunately the above titles are only available in dubbed Pan and Scan versions.

This Godzilla site is owned by
Chris Nickerson

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