vote for my logos pleases and you can post message right now cool check my new section

maps,editor,utility server info, cheat links for KINGPIN

(06-april-2000)i added a links :0)
(19-november-99)im not dead i change my counter
(30-october-99)16:01 change the look of my page (new look):0)
(18-october-99)17:20 just add my final version of abandon subway(my map)
(12-0ctober-99)19:01 repair all links :0) but remove some map:0(
(11-october-99)20:08 add some new map email for any sugest or comment.:0) the (v)aster
(09-october-99)19:39 finaly a uptade and this time it will be more uptaded add all new map.included one i made.
(28-september-99)7:16am i just repair the link to my new section CHECK IT OUT o and if you want you can have a meeting in kingpin on gamespy my usename is {SK}:David you probalely play with me one time.
(27-september-99)7:25 i just added the section where you can vote or submit links by email and i got a message board.its under the sign of masterkingpin please submit comment or i will put down the site
(26-september-99)i add some new check it out and if you can see im now on hollywood its more fast.i will create my banner.
(27-august-99) i organize my news like other site now

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