The Credits
(in alphabetical order)

Name E-mail Address Web Page
Steven Almond
Kevin J. Anderson not available
Aaron Allston not available
Michael Baron none
John P. Benson
Roger Carter
Scott Chitwood
Ann C. Crispin not available none
Duncan, Tracy
Mike Farnham missing in action missing in action
Jim Fisher
Barbara Hambly not available not available
Richard Handley
Jaime De Leon none (I'm his proxy) none
David Mckelvey
Rebecca Moesta not available
Steven Perry
Jason Presley
Kristine Kathryn Rusch
Damon Solomos none (I'm his proxy) none
Mike Stackpole not available
Gary Tucker none
Thomas Veitch not available none
Daniel Wallace not available none

not available= not available through this page. That's code for: I haven't asked the author if it's ok to give it out. OR I'd like to respect their privacy until they tell me one way or the other. All of these authors DO have e-mail addresses, though. You can find 'em if you're smart...

Thank you all for your help. Notify me if I missed you!

These two gentelmen have not been contacted by me due to either time constraints or lack of anything interesting to talk about. But they did write two WONDERFUL SW trilogies that I have enjoyed. Their respective e-mail addresses can be found on their homepages.
Roger MacBride Allen and Michael Paul Kube-McDowell

The Comments

At this moment I only have Del Rey (a unit of Randomhouse), Bantam Spectra (a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell), and Ace-Boulevard (part of Putnam Berkely, formerly owned by MCA/Universal, now a division of Penguin) Star Wars books listed, though I haven't gotten around to adding the Junior Jedi Knights books from Boulevard. I do not plan to list children's books from Randomhouse or Bantam Skylark, or the numerous SW issues from Marvel Comics. If I receive requests, and other Star Wars books and literature will be listed. I will stick to listing the works of fiction of the SW universe, as non-fiction, such as trivia, documentaric, or encyclopedic books don't usually fit into a fictional timeline. I will keep everyone posted of their progress and publication as I become aware of them.
I will add the release dates of the existing SW fiction books whenever I have time. Also coming/changing soon: Titles will be linked to summaries, ISBN, scans of their covers, and other tidbits. This last may never come, as my good friends and counterparts at SW Alliance, Steve Almond and Jason Presley have incorporated these features into their timelines/lists.

GhentZ/Kris Boldis, Jedinet Librarian (click to mail me updates, news, corrections, and/or comments)

Last updated: August 23, 1997
Created on October 11, 1996

Copyright 1996, 1997. © All rights reserved. Krisztián Imre Boldis and JediNet. We are not affiliated with LucasArts, Lucasfilm Limited, 20th Century Fox, 21st Century Fox, Dark Horse Comics, Marvel Comics, Topps, Galoob, Bantam Doubleday-Dell, MCA, Penguin or any subsidiaries, divisions, imprints, or units of the aforesaid companies. All registered trademarks reserved to their respective owners. Any and all appropriate disclaimers and laws apply. Affix securely. Any violations will be responded to with HUGE lawsuits. ;-)