Hero Panaligan - 08/10/00 19:58:23
My URL:http://heropanaligan@hotmail.com
My Email:heropanaligan@hotmail.com
Warren Wants: a lot!
Favorite Warren: those where my father's artworks appeared
Hi There!
Just like the others, i've been surfing around looking for warren comics website. You see Allan, my Dad is an artist and he did a few artworks for various warren comics. He did some in the early 80's til they closed down. He was doing other stuff for DC Comics as well. My Dad is Noly Panaligan, he did a number of series for Jonah Hex at DC and for other short story comics of DC. He did a cover for Vampirella I do not know the number (I shows Vampirella coming down to an "octopus-Like" monster with plenty of eyes).
He did also "Prism: Second Generation Blues" for Creepy #127, "Mindwars" for Creepy # 131, Sherlock Holmes Series" which appeared in Rook #13 & #14 and in Eerie # 138.
The reason, Im telling you this is because, we lost all of my Dad's files in a fire few years back and now I am trying to build and compile all his works. He's half blind now at 76 due to Glaucoma. I would like to surprise him on his Birthday by coming up with whatever artwork of him that I could get hold of.
Some Filipino (We are Filipinos by the way and my Dad did all those works from here in the Philippines-never had the chance to go to the US)Artist groups are endorsing him for the National ARtist Award and we need copies of his artworks to document his achievents in the Visual Arts. I would really appreciate if you could help get intouch with anybody who would be interested to help me get hold of comics magazine (published in the US) with my Dad's artwork.
I would really appreciate if you could get me some information on where to reach Mr. Bill Dubay or Tim Moriarty, they were the last editors of Warren that my father have worked with. I need their help to get hold of the original published artworks of my father in warren which is now, i guess with HARRIS PUBLICATION (the one who allegedly took-over Warren), or anybody who could help us get those "precious work of art". I would really appreciate any assistance.
I could be reached at heropanaligan@hotmail.com. Hope your visitors would try to browse this and lend a hand in my search.
My father is no longer doing comics strips, he's into poetry and prose and paints occasionally. He doesn't complain much, but I know what it means to loose your sight and how valuable one's sight is, particularly to an artist.
I am just a modest employee, i would really appreciate a good bargain for a price on my Dad's artworks.
Ron Saunders - 06/16/00 04:13:30
My Email:rant58@cs.com
Warren Wants: Gogos Covers
Favorite Warren: Famous Monsters Of Filmland
Stumbled upon your site thru askjeeves.com. I was surprised that there were still lovers of the Warren mag's. Discovered my first with Famous Monsters #33. Started seriously collecting them by issue #85. I was able to obtain a lot of issues: Famous Monste
s #1,2,9 thru 135. All of the Famous Monsters paperbacks, the record album. Eerie #1 (probably conterfeit). Vampirella #1,2,3 thru 85. About 5 Vampirella paperbacks. Comix International #1. Rook, Spirit. I gave up most of collection to my oldest son but I
managed to hold on to a few of the older Famous Monsters. Great site! Glad to see I'm not the only one.
james kirk - 06/10/00 02:34:56
My Email:jameskirk_44@hotmail.com
would like to sell eerie,creepy and vampirella mags have about 100 or so
Leonardo De Sá - 06/03/00 10:29:26
My Email:leonardo.desa@netc.pt
I was looking on the Internet for a comprehensive list of Warren stories published in the Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella magazines, and stumbled upon your page, which I found very informative — although I did not get what I was looking for.
Anyway, I am sending you a list of the three only Portuguese Warrens:
Publisher: Portugal Press – Lisbon; Editor: Roussado Pinto.
36 pages; 27x19cm; b&w w/ color cover.
First no.: May 1, 1977.
Last no.: 6 (October 1, 1977).
Publisher: Portugal Press – Lisbon; Editor: Roussado Pinto.
36 pages; 27x19cm; b&w w/ color cover.
First no.: December 1, 1976.
Last no.: 17, dated October 1, 1977.
The six Goulart paperbacks were also published, in 1976-77 by the same publisher.
Publisher: Portugal Press – Lisbon; Editor: Roussado Pinto; Artistic Director: Carlos Alberto.
36 pages; 27x19cm; b&w w/ color cover.
First no.: March 1, 1976.
Last no.: 28, dated March 1978.
Stories from Creepy and Eerie, “completed” with erotic tales by Ross Pynn [Roussado Pinto] illustrated by Carlos Alberto, the artistic director, who also did most of the covers.
Also in Portuguese, but from Brazil there were at least:
Publisher: Kultus
Publisher: Noblet
Publisher: Rio Gráfica e Editora, Ltda. – Rio de Janeiro; Editor: Luis Felipe Aguiar
This featured stories from Eerie and Creepy. At least 60 numbers were published, beginning in 1976.
Covers by Walmir Amaral de Oliveira.
Almanaque de Kripta
Publisher: Rio Gráfica e Editora SA.
Almanac (annual) dated June 1977.
Gibi Especial
Publisher: Rio Gráfica e Editora SA.
I only have the first issue of this, dated 1975, with “The Spirit”. I know there were other Spirit comics published later by Abril Jovem in Brazil, but I don’t think these had the Warren “look”.
The British Warrens Eerie and Vampirella each had only 4 issues.
The French Creepy had two series. The first began in March 1969 and had 30 issues, until 1976. The second series had 4 numbers, beginning May 1978. Eerie had 11 numbers from April 1969 till the end of 1970 (but there were two completely different # 1). Va
pirella had three different # 1 (two in special limited editions, both dated September 1970, one in color and the other in b&w, each w/ 68 pages, and a “real” # 1, dated January 1971, with 100 pages. There were 25 issues until 1976. There followed a secon
series that lasted four more issues from April to October 1978. There was also a Vampirella album, in hard cover, in 1980, published by the Éditions du Triton.
In Germany, the first Vampirella series had 15 issues, from September 1973 to October 1974. The second series had 8 issues, from June 1981 to January 1983. Vampir Comic had 15 issues, from October 1974 to May 1975.
Back to Portugal, there also was a recent fanzine, called FANtastic, of which only # 1 came out, dated September 30, 1998, which reprinted a Warren story by Doug Moench and John Severin, “The Stars my Salvation”. It was precisely this story I was trying t
find on the Internet, to no avail. You wouldn’t happen to know where that was published? I should have that magazine (I have about one meter long of Warrens), but have no time to search for it…
I also had a look at another site, from a Japanese fan, which is worth looking:
Another interesting article I found the other day, is the account by Forrest Ackerman of why he left Famous Monsters:
Oh, yes, when Vampi turned thirty, last year, I wrote an article that was published in the September issue of the Portuguese mag "Selecções BD".
Hope any of this will be of some use.
>virtual signature
Leonardo De Sá
Architecte DPLG
Lisbon: June 3, 2000
Ed Dunn - 05/17/00 02:33:01
My Email:aaasowhatnow@hotmail.com
Warren Wants: Too many to list
Favorite Warren: Vampirella
I grew up reading EERIE, CREEPY, and VAMPIRELLA. Like most kids back in the seventies Mom did not look favorably upon my choice of reading material, and as a result it would wind up in the trash. I am now 38 and have recently rediscoverd the pleasure I go
reading the Warren books I used to enjoy so much as a kid. I do not have a large collection, but most of what I have been able to find is in pretty good condition. I am always in awe of the art, both inside and out and upon obtaining a new addition to my
collection find myself pouring over the awsome details. I have had some luck in picking up some of the earlier issues at a fairly decent price at a local comic shop, much to my pleasure some were priced way below guide, (as low as a $1.50!, lucky me!). Ot
er issues I have paid quite a large sum for through E-Bay, but it is always worth it. I find it hard to belive that the Warren magazines do not seem to be as popular as some of the comics of the same time period. I also don't know anyone that enjoys the b
oks in my area. People seem to frown upon them at the comic shop I frequent here in PA. I am made to feel like a leper when I mention how much I enjoy the Warren series of books. It is cool being able to relate to somone that likes collecting this kind of
stuff. I enjoyed checking out your website, Happy collecting! E. Dunn
Justin Bayne - 05/10/00 07:29:25
My Email:kidkinetic @yahoo.com
Warren Wants: Creepy 64
Favorite Warren: The Rook
I love your site! I've been looking for a Warren site for months!~Justin
Rod Davies - 03/30/00 18:39:57
My Email:mostyn@freenetname.co.uk
Where can i buy Warren back issues?second hand Warren mags? I'm visting New York in April and I'd like to bring some warren mags back to England - I remember mail ordering some Warren mags from the states about 18 or so years ago!!! Is there an English/UK
collectors club?
Richard Pollard - 01/19/00 13:10:36
My Email:rpollard@moonstar.com
Favorite Warren: Vampirella #21
I must applaud you on your awesome site! I've been a Warren fan (especially Vampi) since way back in the beginning, and have never felt that the Harris Vampirella is the REAL Vampi. Thanks for giving me a great fix of the real thing! You've got some stuff
here that I've forgotten, as well as some stuff that I wasn't even aware of, especially the Vampirella TMS presentation animated cels. could you possibly e-mail me back concerning them...I didn't know there was ever an animated Vampi, and these are absolu
ely BEAUTIFUL! The "real" Vampi was definitely captured and I'd like to know if there is any type of video available of the animation. Thanks!
Richard Pollard
kerry clayton - 10/14/99 19:39:26
My Email:kkc59@aol.com
Nice site. We all are in love with Vampirella I think. My friend who lived across the street had all of the early Warren Magazines at one time, but lost them over the years. I remember holding Vampirella #1 when it first came out. I was bitten right th
n and there. I have seen some decent buys on Ebay, but I really believe it favors the seller. I was surprised to find out that you did not have a satisfactory offer. Oh well, just keep them all and you will not be sorry later.
Diana Jeong - 09/12/99 15:00:27
My URL:http://>??
My Email:visavis00@yahoo.com
I saw your stories on the site.Kewl~~~~:)
And a favor.....EMAIL ME!
Clara Park - 08/11/99 12:31:57
Hi Allan! It was nice to see your homepage!
I thought the horror picture was terrific.
I'll try to E-mail you when I get an E-mail address.
Then, bye for now!
Chadder - 07/30/99 23:05:18
My Email:chadd@alive.com
Warren Wants: Org. Creepy and Eerie
Favorite Warren: Eerrie #74
This is such an excellent website! I used to sit at my grandmothers kitchen table as a child and eat Chips A-Hoy cookies and read through my uncle's colection of Creepy, Eerie, Vampy and Heavy Metal magazines. Little did I know how it would affect my ta
te in women. I have been trying desperatly to find any of these mags in any condition and have had no luck. May need to go back to Gram's house and see if the old ones are still around. Please email with any help or sales. Thanks!
Mike Wells - 05/02/99 05:32:53
My Email:dmw02@gte.net
Warren Wants: Eerie #1
Favorite Warren: all
Hi Allan, wanted to thank you for pointing me to Ebay and Mile High Comics. Have almost half of the Eerie and Creepy issues now. There's an Eerie #1 on Ebay right now for $250.00 U.S. What would be easiest way to verify it as original and is $250.00 reaso
able for this item at this time. Thanks again for the help!!
Mike W. - 04/10/99 23:49:18
My Email:dmw02@gte.net
Warren Wants: all of them
Favorite Warren: all of them
Great site! I'd love to collect all the Warren's.
I started reading them over 25 years ago. I have several originals. How would I best go about getting all the originals. I'm sure it's no easy task. Have a good one!
Mysterious visitor - 02/25/99 23:38:47
My Email:fantasyfield@yahoo.com
Warren Wants: ....
Favorite Warren: ....
HI Alan!!!Guess who I am~!
Just visiting 4 fun...:*)
Nic - 01/30/99 00:03:54
My URL:/HotSprings/6797
My Email:pharmanimal@geocities.com
Very spiffy, Al! Now get your butt back to Canada... :-)
Mike MacDonald - 12/09/98 02:14:41
My Email:you know
Primo page Al. To bad I'm not a med school dean.
I like the Vampirella graphic. She's in the category of women who turn even gay men on.
10/23/98 08:56:05
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Martin Eubanks - 10/15/98 11:29:23
My Email:martineubanks@worldnet.att.net
Warren Wants: Vampirella Patches & Buttons
Favorite Warren: Vampirella # 1
Hi great job with the web page! Very informative.
Look forward to all future business with you. Take care & we'll catch ya later!!
Sincere Vampirella Collector,
Martin Eubanks
Cindy - 09/08/98 12:47:35 My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy My Email:elalla@hotmail.com comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hello Allan-Just your Creepy Host signing in!
I love the web-site, Its really entertaining and educational for all Warren and Monster Fans
in general. Good Luck with it and if I can help out let me know. I'll recommend your site to all my Warren customers!
All the Best from your Creepy Host,
Charlie Dellavalle
"Creepy Things"
Anne Pollett - 08/30/98 20:15:18
My Email:eastpole.pollett@ns.sympatico.ca
English is spelled with a capital "E". from your loving Mom
Harry Pollett - 08/30/98 19:41:26
My Email:eastpole.pollett@ns.sympatico.ca
How did I raise such a weird kid? Nicely done web page but I hope no deans of medicine see it.
hye-mi - 08/25/98 05:13:45
Favorite Warren: vampi
This is the best web site ever!!!
by Allan's wife....