Foreign Warren Magazines

Warren publishing was produced in at least 20 countries (including Australia, France, England, Spain, Holland, Italy, Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Japan, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium, Luxenburg, Austria, Germany, Brazil, Turkey, Switzerland, United States) and in atleast 9 languages. The foreign issues of Warren are some of the hardest Warren magazines to find. Also, it has recently come to my attention that Warren had released Vampirella in Japan. It would be interesting to see what these magazines were like. As well as releasing the magazine, there were attemps by a Japanese animation studio to produce a Vampirella cartoon TV series. However, like the vampirella movie the TV series was never done. I will be buying one of the presentation cels that was done for the series and I'll be showing a picture of it to you soon.
The first foreign issue was the British edition of Famous Monsters of Filmland #1 (1958), which was released just after the American. Most foreign issues' names do not correspond to their American counterparts. The magazines contained stories which appeared in the original Warren magazines, as well as, stories from the area of publication. Usually, the European Warrens were much more sexually explicit. If you have any information on or pictures of foreign issues of Warren please e-mail me.

Click on thumbnails to view pics!


The Turkish Warrens I only found out about recently, when I received an email from a Turkish Warren collector (Osman Kaya Ozkaracalar).
Vampirella #13 Vampirella #14 Vampirella #15
Vampirella #16 Vampirella #17


The French Warrens were first published in March of 1969 beginning with Creepy. There is an interesting ad inside which states that you can join the Creepy fan club. The card shown is in French. Whether, there is an actual French fan club card, I do not know. The French Warrens were Creepy, Eerie, and Vampirella. The Vampirellas were especially nice and were printed with thick stock paper.

["pic"] Creepy #1 ["pic"] Eerie #5 ["pic"] Eerie #10
["pic"] Vampirella #2 ["pic"] Vampirella #5 ["pic"] Vampirella #22


The British Warrens included Creepy, Eerie, Famous Monsters, and Vampirella. I do not know if there were any other titles issued in England. The British Vampirellas were very nice. They were full color reprints of earlier issues of Vampirella and are ad free. (Personally, I like the ads and wish there were British ads included.)

["pic"] Eerie #1 ["pic"] Eerie #4 ["pic"] Vampirella #4 ["pic"] Vampirella(pb)#1


The Swedish Warrens have names which are different then the American Warrens. However, the content is much the same. The titles were Chock, Gru, and Napalm which correspond to Creepy, Eerie, and Blazing Combat.

["pic"] Chock #1 ["pic"] Gru #9 ["pic"] Gru #17 ["pic"] Napalm #1


The German Warrens were full color and seemed to have a vampire theme. The first series was called "Das Internationale Horrormagazine Vampirella", which was sold in Germany, Holland, Austria, France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Luxenburg. In issues 3-9 puzzle pieces to a Vampirella poster were offered. After issue #15 the title changed to Vampir-Comics. Then, in 1982 the name changed again to Vampirella. This last edition featured non-color Vampirella reprints.

Das Internationale Horrormagazin Vampirella (1973-Oct.74)

["pic"] #3 ["pic"] #4 ["pic"] #5 ["pic"] #6 ["pic"] #7
["pic"] #8 ["pic"] #9 ["pic"]#14 ["pic"]#15


["pic"] #1 ["pic"] #4 ["pic"] #5 ["pic"] #6 ["pic"] #7
["pic"] #8 ["pic"]#10 ["pic"]#11 ["pic"]#12 ["pic"]#13

Vampirella (1982)

["pic"] #5 ["pic"] #7


In 1972, the Spanish Warrens were first published starting with "Vampus". Vampus was comparable to Creepy, but both Uncle Creepy and Cousin Eerie appeared inside the magazine. Later, the Spanish version of Eerie came out, called "Rufus". In 1975, Famosos "Monsters" del Cine was released. This magazine came in two versions cut and un-cut. The cut version is noticably smaller and some of the words inside have been chopped. The un-cut version is complete and usually is more expensive. If you look in my scans you will see that these are the cut versions. On some of them even the title is incomplete. Other Warren titles, which reached Spain, were Vampirella and Spirit. The Warren had lincensed the publishing rights to Garbo and in the upper left corner of the magazines the Garbo symbol is displayed.

["pic"] Vampus #1 ["pic"] Spirit #1

Famosos "Monsters" del Cine

["pic"] #1 ["pic"] #2 ["pic"] #3 ["pic"] #4 ["pic"] #5
["pic"] #6 ["pic"] #7 ["pic"] #9 ["pic"] #11


The Italian Warrens included Vampirella, 1984, and possibly other titles. These were published during the late 70's and early 80's. The Italian paperback Vampirella by Oscar Mondedora is quite think and contains many reprints of the early Vampirella stories. Later in 1984, Elfo bought the rights to Warren for Italy and released Creepy, Zombie (comparable to Eerie). I do not consider these magazines to be included in the foreign Warrens, eventhough they had covers and stories from Creepy and Eerie.

["pic"] #2 ["pic"] #4 ["pic"] #9
["pic"] Vampirella ["pic"] Oscar Mondedora

More foreign Warrens (Australian Vampirella pics! )

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