COLLECTING WARREN Magazines: Vampirella, Creepy, Eerie and Famous Monsters

Hi I'm Allan Pollett. I currently am living in Canada with my personal Vampirella/wife Hye-mi Song.
I signed up on 08/22/98 06:59:02

picture of torch picture of torch My interests are:
Warren magazines,horror movies and judo.

The description of my page is:
Warren Magazines Collectables
Allan Pollett's Homepage

I'm currently in the process of making my first webpage.
I'm setting this page up to look for collectors like me of Warren Publishing.
Hopefully, I can meet other obsessed Warren fans and maybe complete my collection.
I've been collecting for seven years. I started collecting when I fell in love with one of the Warren characters Vampirella.
Click to see Vampirella

  1. A Little About Me
  2. Top Ten Hardest Warren's
  3. Unusual Warrens page 1
  4. Unusual Warrens page 2
  5. Foreign Warrens
  6. More Foreign Warrens
  7. Listing of the Complete Warren Collection
  8. My Collection
  9. Gallery of Warren Items
  10. My Warren Wants
  11. Sign Guestbook
  12. View Guestbook
  13. Some stories I've written
  14. Links to other Warren related sites
  15. My SEO resume

Email me at
Nov.2/99 update:More pictures were added to the foreign section.
Please come back soon and visit me.

Last Update:August 17/2007 - Added Turkish Vampirellas to Foreign Warrens section

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