Dmitry Grenader

I came to the USA from St. Petersburg , Russia in 1990. In Russia, I studied holography at The Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics. In the US, I went to Boston University, got a degree in EE and decided to focus on computer jobs.


Out of college, I became a programmer at Motorola. They taught me to wake up early and be on time for work. After that I joined CTP, it was lots of fun. Great people, too. They "initiated" me into consulting. After 3 years there, I was burnt out and joined a small personalization company Open Sesame, founded by Alper Caglayan. What a thrill it was to be working for a small company! In 1998, we were bought by Bowne and became an Internet consulting company. Later we changed our name to sexy Immersant - to keep up with the times. Then it was merged into Bowne Global Solutions. I am still here, as Director of Solutions Architecture.


In my spare time, I am President of RuTex, a community of Russian-American entrepreneurs. For more, see



