Warning!! Construction Zone

This is JackHammer's Private Construction Zone

Welcome to my Home Page... Please put on a Hard Hat before proceeding. You are visitor number to enter the construction zone since 26 December 1996.

My real name is Mark, but most of the people on the "net" know me as JackHammer. Yeah, that's me up there drinking beer and playing cards. When I'm not out "Webbing" I can usually be found on The Asylum. This is a really cool "talker" - kinda like a MUD, but no killing, or treasure hunts - just talking with other interesting people. I work on the Delta Launch Vehicle Program - there's a cool link below that will tell you something about the rocket.

Links to other sites on the Web

Description & History of the Delta Launch Vehicle (I work on this Program)
Get the latest Sports News here!!!
I have season tickets to the Mighty Ducks - here's their Home Page

Links to some of my friend's pages

Link deleted.... 8(

Murf - here's the place to go to see pictures of the folks who frequent The Asylum!

Francis - she's an Admin at Asylum ... so be on yer best behavior if you see her ... or she'll turn you into a frog! But really..she's a true Southern Belle!

Well, that's all for now... See, still needs some more work, and some more pictures would be nice. But, not bad for a first attempt, eh? Drop me a line and let me know you visited by clicking on my email address below. I'm open to ideas to include here, including cool links and editorial comments.

© 1995 rocketman@rocketship.com

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