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The Spice Girl's Concert

I live in Dallas, TX., and I went to the Dallas Show. And, to be honest this was one of the best concerts I have been to. This was the Spicegirls Last Concert in the U.S.A. ... And, sadly, it might have been their last one forever. I was so happy to see Posh and Sporty. And, Scary and Baby, also... There's nothing wrong with Baby and Scary so don't get me wrong. They are GREAT, too!! =) .. Anyway, if they come back to the U.S.A, I would recommend that you go and see them. It's well worth your money. =) ...

Sporty Is from Liverpool. If she's there at the moment I have no idea. But, I guess Liverpool Airport is the same. If, you really wanna know where Sporty is at the moment then tell me and I'll find out.

Posh is now staying in a Suburb In London. And, this is the Best I could do. Where Posh is from I was unable to find. But, anyway, I hope this is good enough.

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