Welcome To My Wonderful Homepage!
Welcome To My World
There's no turning back now! You're mine!
Fly by Sugar Ray

I now have awards to give out for worthy homepages out there. If you'd
like to submit your homepage's URL for me to judge,click on the award and E mail it to me!
Please include the title of your page,and tell me what it's about. If you wanna see the
other awards,you gotta visit my Art Page! I have a page with all
the winner's names and URL's on it.

Places To Chat
Homepage...I chat here ALL the time!! The best place to catch me aside from ICQ is
mIRC. I chat in DalNet with the nick Mirage79. My channels are #mariahcarey and
#swampgator. See ya there!
homepage...ANOTHER place to find me!! My ICQ number is 1272555.
Places For Free Home Pages
Angelfire's home
Geocities Home Pages
Tripod's Home Pages
50 Megs.com

About Me
Hi. I'm known as Spike,as well as about 100 other names! I mostly use Psycho GirL® or Lady
Justice,Mirage,Agent M,or ArTiFiCi@L SwEeTnE®. So if you see one
of them,that is probably me! *lol*
Well,my birthday is January 15,1977. You can figure out how old I am! In case you haven't
guessed yet,I'm Female. I'm from Gainesville,Florida.
Click Here to hear my
measurements! If you think I'm going to show my picture,you are SADLY mistaken! I've made
too many ignore lists already!!
I don't want to fill up too much space here talking about myself,so If you're really
interested in reading about me,Click Here to get the 411 on
I enjoy designing web pages. If you want to check one out that I made recently,then Click Here.
Maybe you've met my Dad,Midnight. If you
want,check out my Friends Page It's a list of
all my dearest friends from the net,so be nice if you see any of them! HERE is a little
message for my friends! =:o)
Meet My Gator

Hello. I am Spike. I come from Gainesville,Florida. I love
tourists...they are delicious! Oh,it's safe to pet me,for now.I just ate...

I also have a dog.
She's a black pug. Here is her web
If you think that she was cute,you might want to check out this pic
that I found of a fawn pug.
Places To Visit

Sign This...Sign it,or
my gator will bite you..
View It...Too
lazy to sign it,huh? Well,I suggest you start running!
Click Here...Here
are some of the most asked questions about myself! Enjoy! *L*
My SCREAM Story...For all
those who enjoyed the movie called SCREAM,I wrote a little story that you'll like!
My Mariah Carey Page...Laugh
all you want,but she's still my favorite singer!!
The Psychic Valley Girl...You
HAVE to check this out!! Trust me!! *L*
My Page Of Links...Check it
out!! My links are the best! =:o)
My Sounds Page...some great
links to sound places on here,as well as a few sounds to download!
My Humor Page!...Check this
out! It's worth it,trust me!
Awards That I Won...I'm
very proud of the awards I've won,so please take a look!
My Silly Pictures...NO,it's
not pictures of me!! *L* It's pics that I drew in Paintshop Pro.
The Anti
Michael Bolton Society®...A page for people who don't like Michael Bolton! (This club
was made for fun,if you have a problem with that,get over it!)
My Page Of Poetry...If you
really care to read my silly babblings,then check this out,try not to laugh..everyone else
has a poetry page,so why not me?! *LOL*

Just In Case Any Of You Want To Link My
Page,Here's A Graphic For You! =:o)

Please Rate My Page!!
Click On The Rating You Wish To Give It
I hope you enjoyed your stay!!
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Visitor! Please,come again! BUH BYE!
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Last Updated on:January 19,2001
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