C Eagle's Home Page - Animation Music Fun


-to my animated Home Page-

I hope you enjoy the links to this page

UpdatedApril 1999

Thanks for stopping in at the page. You'll find links to many animated, musical and otherwise fun things as time moves on.

Our founder...

Have a go at these Links below!

Links!!! (check back every couple months for new or updated links)

Links to other sites on the Web:

...relax. It's paradise on the net! (and winning awards left & right!)
...blow your mind with this fabulous place to find VINYL records STILL BEING MADE or just music in general... see the write up below!
...The local animation society now has it's own home page or e-mail... asifa@earthlink.net (the ASIFA-Hollywood office)
...(real) Eagles! info
...more Eagles! info
...raptorous art by Grant Freckelton(You can COMMISSION him too!)
...you guessed it!
...da kine! (tune in Hawaii online! send support!)
... more da kine! (tune in more yet nudda place Hawaii online! send support!)
...the amazing, the musical, Mr. Dave
...grab a few Beatles while you're shopping
...visit the hilarious, anthropomorphic
...aren't drawings free speech too?
...a cartoonist's best friend
...a fine online animation magazine!
...a fun place to roleplay and interact improvisationally as a nature critter!
...a great search engine, with Language translators!
...a terrific comics link
...a place to meet friends in Brazil
...great results with this search too!
...the bestest ever cat pal I know!
...the MOST enjoyable way to relax in glorious Kauai, Hawaii
...blow your mind with a visit to the Wizard!
...hop to my images page

Thanks for coming by... My interests are... Animation, Music, Sciences and Sci-Fi/Fantasy, religion, and many other fun things. Jus' looking for terrific people to meet and chat with! You are visitor number since 12/15/95

I can now celebrate THREE years of being on the internet! YAY! ...er, where did it all go? :o)

Musical Update! Do you like MUSIC?

How about those NICE BIG LP covers when vinyl records were around?
with that GREAT BIG readable art that is only found on Laserdisc covers anymore? You can STILL get vinyl on CURRENT releases, whether 45rpm 7inch singles on the HIT CHART, or any 33rpm LP that is released! YES!
Just contact this FANTASTIC store that is devoted to the medium...
NORWALK RECORDS, area code (562) 864-3415, or FAX 868-9833, or write 12023 Firestone Blvd., Norwalk, California, USA
You can visit them in person too!...
but even if you can't, they would be glad to assist you by MAIL-ORDER. They are a WONDERFUL resource! See the web page link above for them!

BY THE WAY... BEWARE of DVD for movies! The technology uses an INFORMATION LOSS compression, which means that you don't even get as much as you get on a video tape in many cases. If you should do a freeze frame for example, you are at the mercy of the manufacturer whether it even comes close to an accurate image.
They are GREAT for computer ware, but if you enjoy FULL experience video, stick with video or even better yet, the LASERDISC format which has that added bonus of LARGE ALBUM JACKETS with EASY TO SEE ART (wink! wink!) Check 'em online at Ken Crane's.

In other music news, I've been REALLY enjoying these Hawaiian Music sites in Real Audio :o) Check out the two links above! Brings back those romantic days on the shores of... oh! but I digress... hehheh

In Macintosh news... Can't decide what format to buy? Why not have the best of BOTH worlds... buy a POWER MAC! :o) You can have the fastest processor, the easiest get-the-job-done interface, and if you really feel the need for IBM in your life, just install a PC Card or Software (RealPC, VirtualPC or SoftWindows) and you can even have Windows and DOS haunting the little apple circuit boards, yet making everything work peachy! I sure love the combo of speed and versatility... and now I don't have to bug my IBM friends to play games on their system! :o) Check out the new G3 or iMac for yourself... :o)

Have fun!

OH! For some reason that nutty counter above went kerblooie! ...:P (kinda neat number count though eh?) :o)

Here's the NEW counter, for visits since MAY 1998... (hehheh.. I don't really advertise all that much!)

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