Welcome to the Bailey Guest Book!

sandill325@aol.com - 12/10/00 12:35:51

I need help with cloudy (fresh) water after cleaning. Can you help?

Tom - 12/07/00 10:08:30
My URL:http://www.AquariumFish.net/
My Email:feedback@AquariumFish.net
What kinds of fish do you have?: all kinds!
Your favorite fish site:: most of them!

Nice site. I always enjoy fish web sites. Best wishes.

Babykukla - 10/14/00 05:27:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/babykukla/index.html
My Email:Babykukla@yahoo.com
What kinds of fish do you have?: Goldfish, blueberry tetras, dantes orandas

Hi I found you on Yahoo. I love goldfish. They seem to be the clowns of the aquarium world. My do the most silliest things. My favorite fish is boom boom. A jelly headed oranda. He like to knock over all the stuff in the aquarium, and then peek over the e ge of the back cover. I want to know what causes a whitish haze in my tank after a water change.

Joe McCarthy - 03/06/00 14:38:39
My Email:jjoemccarthy@@netscape
What kinds of fish do you have?: Koi
Your favorite fish site:: New Commer
Your favorite all around site:: New Commer
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: Through the Net

I have had Goldfish and Koi for about 12 to 14 years. They range from small 3+4 inch to 25 inch fish. I'm thinking about selling them at a fair price. In the summer they arre outside and in the winter they are brought into my indoor pond. They are all in Good health, and I'm not planning on selling all, but 50 of these are getting to be many for my small ponds. If there are any intrestested in (koi or large Golds) let me know. It is nice to see that there are people still interested in the Goldfish family and I'd to talk more about it. Joe McCarthy

10/23/98 08:55:26
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Shannon - 07/22/98 21:38:13
My Email:hummer@bitstorm.net
What kinds of fish do you have?: none
Your favorite fish site:: Baily Fish
Your favorite all around site:: www.nick.com
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: Net Search


Kim Ivie - 06/29/98 06:06:14
My Email:veeking@alaska.net
What kinds of fish do you have?: goldfish, angelfish,tetras

I have a breeding pair of goldfish. I have not found alot of info. regarding this and am learning as I go. At this point I have fry a two weeks old (many) and fry 4 days old (many), and... eggs about to hatch as I type!! Wish me luck!!

Matthew Geis - 06/12/98 00:58:54
What kinds of fish do you have?: Fancy Goldfish
Your favorite fish site:: Bailey Fish
Your favorite all around site:: Bob and Tom
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: Aol Search engine

Thought the pictures were great!

debbie mcnutt - 04/21/98 20:31:16
What kinds of fish do you have?: goldfish
Your favorite fish site:: bailey's tanks
Your favorite all around site:: ditto
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: through kerry

I enjoyed your fish pages . Tanks for the info, ha! Debbie

Alene DeSonna - 04/16/98 02:39:31
My Email:yyin@lihti.org
What kinds of fish do you have?: Tropical fish, barbs, tetras, sharks,etc.
Your favorite fish site:: JAWS: Just Aquaria Web Site and your's
Your favorite all around site:: Redwall Index and JAWS and Bailey's tanks
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: Just browsing around tropical fish sites

Neat site, real cute. Maybe you can add more info on some of your favorite fish, like size, day you got it, habits, etc. I'll be sure to remember this website!

Boeing_Dude - 04/03/98 01:43:10
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Boeing_Dude/welcome.html
My Email:thomasm@cyberdude.com
What kinds of fish do you have?: tons of freshwater fish from eels,guppies,catfish,silverdollars and many many more
Your favorite fish site:: mine so far, but always looking for a new one!
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: tripod search engine

Like your tanks and your page, I just started a page here, far from complete yet, but drop by and let me know what you think, always appreciate any input from fellow aquarium enthusists! http://members.tripod.com/~Boeing_Dude/welcome.html caution: URL is case sensitive.

Peter - 03/28/98 06:47:34
My URL:http://www.gullik.no/privat/english/peter.html
My Email:peter_braathen@hotmail.com
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: By a web-ring

Hi! I like your page! I'm a little boy with Down syndrom, and like to work with my Dads computer and listen to music. I hope you will visit my page sometime.

Hilsen Peter

Kevin - 03/09/98 18:05:35
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~roadrager/index.html
My Email:roadrager@yahoo.com
What kinds of fish do you have?: look at my fish page to find out
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: tripod

great site, I am from Canada I have quite an interest in aquaria currently planning to build a 130 gallon salt water aquarium any thoughts

Brian Bailey - 02/26/98 19:52:16
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~brianbailey
My Email:babailey@rocketmail.com
What kinds of fish do you have?: Goldfish, Gouramies, Barbs, Mollies
How did you find Bailey's Tanks: I created it.

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