The Forbidden Pasture
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My little splotch on the Web will not appeal to everyone. It is not intended for everyone. If you are Under 18 years of age, you probably don't need to be here. So please click on your [Back] button or some other Bookmark or Hotlist item and do the Web a favor, please leave now! If you are offended by the occasional use of raw language and references to blood and guts, please leave now! If you are offended by a bit of bare skin (in the most innocently sex-ploitive manner) please leave now! If you become upset by the slightest mention of drugs, just 'say no' to this page and please leave now! If you are humor impaired (that's the politically correct way of saying you can't take a joke), then quietly, leave right now. Enough said! If you do not fall into any of these categories, you are welcome here. If you do have a problem, you know what you can do.
So, if you've made it this far, and you enjoy the worst of the best... the best of the worst... If you like vintage schlock, bad B movies, Sexploitation, Drugs, Psycotronic trash, Wild biker women, the unintentionally funny, the seldom seen movies of the 50's, 60's, 70's maybe 80's. If you want to see the films Mom didn't want you to see... The films Dad sneaked out to see... The films Grandpa NEVER took Grandma to see... then you might want to try digging up your old
glasses, sit back, grab a
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and let me be your guide through The Forbidden Pasture!
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Last updated: 11/10/2006