If you've been surfing the web lately, you'll find that most personal homepages are nothing more than collections of links and shout outs to friends. I was a little bored with these, and have tried to make mine a little more personalized and worthwhile. Although you will find some links here (what respectable homepage wouldn't indulge a little), there is also a lot of information. So that you maybe understand this page a little better and can see where I'm coming from, here is some background on yours truly. As of the end of August I have been a junior in high school, and am sixteen years old. I live in Ohio, but have lived previously in Wisconsin and Maryland. I'm sure that Ohio is a nice place for parents and young kids to live, but for a teenager it is terrible. Soooo boring, with the only exciting event all year being the 4th of July fireworks. I love to play tennis and basketball, and aside from the Green Bay Packers don't really follow professional sports. I also love to go sailing, camping, and hiking (all of which, surprise, are near impossible where I live). Oh, and I'm a loose Bokononist (if you know what that is you read too much). For you Netscape folks, my three main pages are movies, music, books, and quotes. But, the best way to view this site is by using Internet Explorer 3.0 or higher with your monitor switched to at least 800x600 screen resolution and 16k colors. Anything else and this page will not reveal its full splendor...


Oh a false clock tries to tick out my time
To disgrace, distract, and bother me.
And the dirt of gossip blows into my face,
And the dust of rumors covers me.
But if the arrow is straight
And the point is slick,
It can pierce through dust no matter how thick.
So I'll make my stand
And remain as I am
And bid farewell and not give a damn.
- bob dylan


I'm gonna live forever, or die trying
Joseph Heller, Catch-22