"What? There is no Thomas Haden Church page?"
That’s what I thought when I searched for and didn’t find any.
"Why, I’ll just have to make one!"
So here it is! The one and only
Thomas Haden Church
***Everything here was taken from somewhere else on the net. All I did was collect everything I could find in one place and I am still looking for more things. But I don’t claim ownership to anything here.***
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(So, erm, here's a lousy pityful update. This certainly is not the only THC page, it was when I first made it, but now there is a much better page: go see. I certainly am not having success finding out new stuff about him, and if I wanted to update this page, I'd just go there and copy everything from her... There is no point ;) So go see her too, okay!!!)
So let’s start. I don’t remember where I got the texts from, I was in so many places looking for things! Anyway.
They're kind of repetitive in terms of saying Church was in Wings and Ned & Stacey, but I didn't want to change them.
CHURCH in state of high activity
Thomas Haden Church is finding there's life after "Wings" and "Ned & Stacey." After co-starring in "George of the Jungle," "One Night Stand" and alongside Marlon Brando and Charlie Sheen in "Free Money," Church has landed the co-starring role with Stephen Baldwin in the ABC miniseries adaptation of the Dean Koontz bestseller "Mr. Murder."
He plays a guy who takes Baldwin's blood sample and makes a clone. While cloned Baldwins sseem to be acting all over Hollywood, this one's a killing machine bent on taking over his look-alike's life.
Church is also burning up the indie film circuit, just completing the comedy "Serial Killing for Dummies," a role in "Goose" alongside Damon Wayans, D.B. Sweeney, Vincent Spano and Antonio Sabato Jr., and exec producing the Adam Goldberg-directed indie "Scotch and Milk." He's repped by CAA's Steve Alexander and managed by Brillstein-Grey's Gerry Harrington.
Thomas Haden Church makes a Career Move
By Paul Freeman
When Thomas Haden Church tackles a role, he likes to enhance it with spontaneity and wit.
``Generally, when I meet perspective employers, I tiptoe into that. You don't want to shove your way through the door,'' he says. ``But, if at all possible, you want to exact an invitation to collaborate.''
Best known for his roles in TV's ``Wings'' and ``Ned & Stacey,'' Church was most recently seen on the big screen in the wacky ``George of the Jungle,'' for which he portrayed Ursula's snooty fiance. ``I was able to go way out there,'' he says of the character. ``That movie is a romp. Shooting it was akin to the way it looked on screen. We had a lot of fun and (the filmmakers) were receptive to my imagination and creative spirit.''
Church also had plenty of opportunity to use his inventive powers while working on ``One Night Stand'' (which opens Nov. 14), a romantic drama directed by Mike Figgis (``Leaving Las Vegas'') and starring Wesley Snipes, Nastassja Kinski, Robert Downey Jr. and Kyle MacLachlan.
``I own the ad agency that Wesley Snipes works for,'' Church says of his role. ``I am the consummate antagonistic boss.''
He enjoyed working with Figgis: ``His style is incredibly complementary to improvisational acting. He likes to start with a script and then blossom from there. He would encourage me to come up with things that were not scripted.
``He really wanted me to probe the spleen of Wesley Snipes. He wanted me to push it,'' Church continues. ``There was this scene where I was really putting the screws to Wesley in front of his wife and my wife and a bunch of dinner guests. I'm attempting to embarrass and humiliate him. Mike told me later, `I really believed that Wesley was going to come across the table at you.' Directors do everything they can to (get) the performance they need. Wesley and I got along off camera. But we were aloof.'
Thomas Haden Church jumped at the chance to play villain in 'George'
By Roger Moore, Journal Arts Reporter
NEW YORK -- A good bad guy is hard to find. That's why actors relish the chance to play a fun villain in the movies. And that's why Thomas Haden Church loved the idea of sinking his teeth into Lyle Van de Groot in the new Disney comedy, George of the Jungle.
''These are the guys you wanna go party with, knock back a few beers with, after the movie's over,'' he said, grinning through the laconic drawl that has become his trademark.
If ''deadpan'' has a voice, it belongs to Church. The wild-haired, dulcet-toned master of the putdown, the former Lowell of TV's Wings and Ned of Ned & Stacy, says that a whole different standard comes into play when you're the villain in a comedy based on a cartoon. ''You walk a difficult and illusive line, trying to not become a cartoon yourself, while keeping with the cartoon spirit,'' Church said. ''I just saw this guy as a pompous, Gatsby-type, who's in the jungle instead of teeing off at Pebble Beach.''

Lyle is just the latest, scene-stealing turn in this quixotic career of Church. At 36, the Texas native with the protruding jaw and pointy eyes -- he's a blond version of Aerosmith's Steven Tyler -- has carved out a comfortable niche for himself in a business where supporting players on TV shows don't necessarily make the jump to big-screen stardom. There's Church, and a guy he spent a lot of years taking a back seat to, Woody Harrelson, of Cheers.
''I enjoyed playing Lowell (on Wings),'' Church said. ''But he was the kind of character that suffered because the show was not critically well-received. I was always compared with Woody on Cheers. Woody Harrelson had the benefit of being in a critically-acclaimed show. Any time you're a part of a winning team or what is perceived to be a winning team, whether you did it yourself or not, you are, by association, a winner. Woody got opportunities because he was on Cheers.''
Church can't be bitter about Harrelson's success. Cheers was a show that launched them both. A single-episode appearance by Church in 1982 went over so well that when the producers of Cheers put together Wings, they found a place for Church.
''Lowell, though much-loved, was ostensibly a 'dumb guy,' '' Church said. ''And there's not a lot of work for dumb guy character actors. I had to move away from him as quickly as I could.''
To that end, he took someone who was the polar opposite of the sweet, slow Lowell. Ned of Fox TV's short-lived Ned & Stacey, was an acid-tongued wit who could eviscerate someone in a single sentence.
''Ned has served me quite well. He got me into George of the Jungle. Ned and Lyle give me the opportunity to do what I do best, which is this loose, improvisational run-and-gun smart aleck.'' Ned also landed Church a role in the new film by Mike Figgis (Leaving Las Vegas). In One Night Stand, he plays Wesley Snipes' boss, an ad-agency owner who has a very ''antagonistic'' relationship with Snipes' character. A big departure for the guy who played Lowell, but not that big a jump for the former Ned.
(from One Night Stand)
''That's why I went after Ned. He was diametrically opposed to Lowell. He was smart and mean where Lowell was sweet and stupid. Every actor wants to show how versatile we are.''
To that end, look for Church in the low-budget comedy thriller, Serial Killing for Dummies.
''I play a high-school coach who may or may not be a serial killer. Lisa Loeb (the pop singer) is in it. It's an independent film with just a $2 million budget.''
Church isn't a star, yet. But he's not letting that bother him. To take a line from his fellow Texan, Jerry Jeff Walker, Church is very much into ''letting the high times carry the low.''
''I was in a big movie called Tombstone and that was pretty unsettling. You didn't know who I was, and when the movie started shooting, I had a very big part in it. When you're not a big star, you always watch a movie and breath a little sigh of relief when you haven't been cut out of it altogether. Everybody's heard the Kevin Costner Big Chill story.'' Costner was completely cut out of The Big Chill when it was released. Church knows what that feels like. But he wonders if Costner knows what it is like to play a character whose face drops into a pile of elephant doo, as Church did in George of the Jungle.
''It was like grass and rice and peanut shells and oil and water,'' Church said with a grin. ''And number 2 yellow dye, to give it that unique, intestinal look. We had to shoot that scene over and over.''
Published Thursday July 24, 1997

Another pic from George of the Jungle
Actor filmography
1."Mr. Murder" (1998) (mini) TV Series
2.Free Money (1998) .... Larry
3.George of the Jungle (1997) .... Lyle Van de Groot
4.One Night Stand (1997) .... Don
5.Tales From the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight (1995) .... Roach
... aka Demon Keeper (1995)
... aka Demon Knight (1995)
6."Ned and Stacey" (1995) TV Series .... Ned Dorsey
7.Tombstone (1993) .... Billy Clanton
8.Fugitive Nights: Danger in the Desert (1993) (TV)
... aka Fugitive Nights (1993) (TV)
9."Wings" (1990) TV Series .... Lowell Mather (1990-1995)
Producer filmography
1.Scotch and Milk (1997) (executive)
Notable TV guest appearances
1."Partners" (1995) playing "Ned" in episode: "City Hall" 11/13/1995
2."Flying Blind" (1992) playing "Jonathan" in episode: "Pilot" (episode # 1.0) 9/13/1992
3."Flying Blind" (1992) playing "Jonathan" in episode: "Lovers and Other Strangers" (episode # 1.8) 1/11/1992
4."China Beach" (1988) in episode: "China Men" 11/22/1989
5."Cheers" (1982) playing "Gordie Brown" in episode: "Death Takes A Holiday On Ice" (episode # 8.7) 11/9/1989
6."21 Jump Street" (1987) in episode: "Eternal Flame" (episode # 4.3) 10/2/1989
7."Booker" (1989) in episode: "Cementhead" 1989
8."Booker" (1989) in episode: "Someone Stole Lucille" 1989
Some more pictures!! These are of him in the movie "The Specials", and were sent to me by someone who visited this page!
See! Follow her example and send me some more stuff!! ^___^

I’m still looking for more things and I’ll put them here as soon as I find them! So come back! And if you know where I can find other things, please let me know.

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