Hello =) Welcome to aKaNe's PaRaDiSe! Hi, my name is aKaNe. Actually, it's my
nickname. I use this nick whenever I am on the net. It's actually pronounced
as A-KA-NE for those who know Japanese. Akane is a japanese gal's name. So
you may think that I am a gal. If you really want to know who I really am,
enter here. Enjoy surfing!
Ranma 1/2 Yup, it's one of my favourite comics.
Hehehe...this page is dedicated to the comics. There are some
introductions to the characters of Ranma 1/2. Have a look!
Music...one of my first love. Basically I like
Cantopop, Rock, Grunge, Alternatives, Oldies...etc. This might be the place you have been
looking for all these while, pal.....Jam ON in aKaNe's Music PaRaDiSe!
Yes. This is my very own Liverpool Football Club
homepage. This homepage is only suitable for
Liverpool FC fans. If you don't support Liverpool FC or worst still don't even know what Liverpool FC is, I don't think this is the place for you. *grin*
Beyond....my favourite band from Hong Kong
It's finally up now! Have been planning to do this homepage for a long long time....
Gotta thanks some of my net friends in the Beyond mailing-list. Check this out all Beyond fans!!!
Well, here are links to some of my
friend's homepages in cyberspace. Do
visit them. Hey, maybe you might find someone familiar. You never know! =)