Guest Book & Questionnaire


Click here for the German version!

This questionaire should help me to get to know you and your opinion. Over the next weeks and months there will also be various questions regarding this site! With your input you can help me make this site even more interesting!

Note: This is only a primitve kind of form. And submitting might not work with all browsers.

Please fill out the questions below and press the submit button! Write in English or German!

Note: Current results coming very soon!

General section:

What's your name?

Where are you from (city, country)?

Note: The new sending method doesn't give me your email-address anymore.
So state your email-address here - or stay anonymous:

Where did you hear about this site?
(please be precise e.g. enter the complete url of the page you came from)

How do you like this site?
And how would you mark it on a scale from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)?

May questions:

Do you think this site should have a whole "gallery" of MWC and MWC-related pictures?

Do you think the picture marked 'Kelly: Christina Applegate - "in private"' is really Christina or just a fake? (Note: Now taken off air!)

Do you think an "Al's Big Uns of the week" corner would be a good idea?

Do you think a "Bud's favourite shareware/freeware of the week" section would be a good idea?

Should the main page, "What's currently showing" page and this page also be in German or is English enough?

Any other comments and/or suggestions?

Thanks for your time, I really appreciate your input!

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