Marco Pusterla's Home Page

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Hi ! Welcome to my Home Page - thanks to GeoCities

I'm an Italian programmer and Magician (sleight of hand - of course) living in the UK, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk). I set up this page in 1996 just for fun, and now I stopped working on it. Rather, go to my new site:

I have some Magic links here.

Me & My Magic

Somebody asked me to put my photos on-line: if you will click here, you'll find them
12/01/1998 FINALLY UPDATED!!! After a long, long, long delay, I've finally updated the list of magic books with comments - in Italian language. Maybe, if you're interested, you would like to read it
. Please note that the list is not always accessible due to Geocities' extra code. If you are having problems accessing it, please let me know.



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Page last updated 1st December 1998

For my use only: NT WinSock
