Pump Up the Volume

Mark and Nora

These are some soundbites from one of my favorite movies: Pump Up the Volume.
For more information see the Internet Movie Database's Pump Up the Volume entry.

Opening line: "Do you ever get the feeling everything in America is f***ed up..." (ZIP 187k)
How Happy Harry was born {BORN.ZIP}.
"Is it bigger than a baby's arm?" (WAV 19K)
Nora asks Mark if he's really as "horney as a ten peckered owl." (WAV 26K)
Harry talking to serious. (ZIP 90K)
"Sleep tight serious..." (WAV 73k)
Do something crazy. (WAV 86K)
"I'm a member of the why bother generation myself." (WAV 32K)
"So be it." (WAV 8K)
Job of teenager: to be accepted. (WAV 86k)
The whole point is to survive. (ZIP 115K)
Near the end of movie, "what do I say? ..." (ZIP 130K)
Last line of movie: "Talk hard!" (WAV 12K)

THE SCRIPT (Works as of 1/29/00)

Samantha Mathis as Nora

Some Links Current As Of January 29, 2000.

Pump Up the Volume Tribute Page
Pump Up the Volume - A Philosopy
Pump Up the Volume - Marting Eaves
Tobbe's Pump Up the Volume World
This page has a little blurb about PUTV.
Mark and Nora (Stoled my jpg.)
Visit Angela's Christian Slater webpage.
Adam Babin's Site

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This page has been accessed times since July 18, 1996.

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I encourage anybody to make thier own Pump Up the Volume page.
If you do so, let me know so I can link to it.

Created by Dennis Rice.
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Last updated:
January 29, 2000. (Updated the link to the script and links to other web sites. Sorry it took so long. Check for updates in 2 more years. :)
November 21, 1997. {Updated link to script.}
Thanks for the script Martin.
Thanks to Christoph Burghardt for the pic at the top of the page.

This page was born November, 1995. (Holy Cow! I'm getting old!)

Now for some cheese:

{September 18, 1998} It is very likely that I will not be able to update this page any further. However, I would like to add a little history. First, you will note that the link to BORN.ZIP is no longer active. I lost the file when I changed ISP's. When I first started this page, Geocities (now Yahoo) only allowed 1MB of data (now they offer 11mb). As a result, I only have a few sound bites on the page (BORN.ZIP had to be located on another server because of this limitaion.) Also, I started this page because there were no other pages about this movie on the World Wide Web. Now there are at least 3, including Martin Eaves' script. These pages are linked to on my page. As I've grown older, I've realized that this is JUST A MOVIE (but a very good movie). There are many other things that influence our lives. However, this movie will always be a reminder of what it's like to be a teenager. By the grace of God, this movie will help teenagers of the present. For those of us who are no longer in our teenage years, this movie will help us to help those who are still going through those years. Via con Dios.

Dennis Rice.

[The above electronic sound reproductions were from the movie Pump Up the Volume (c)1990 New Line Cinema.]