My TOBY AMIES Website!
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Hey everybody,this is My TOBY AMIES Website! For those of you who don't know who he is,well i'll tell ya. Toby Amies used to be a vj on Mtv here in America for only a few months ,i guess, around the time of late '97(Sept./to late Oct.,i think). He had a show in late '97 called The Countdown To the Ten Spot which was on at 9:00-10:00. Then that show was cancelled and he wasn't on very much after that, but later through the year of 1998 he made some appearances on Mtv again. One of his "appearances" was hosting a show called Live at the Ten Spot but he only hosted that show a few times.
I think Toby's cool so i decided to make this website about him. So enjoy your stay and don't forget to sign the guestbook!

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