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Elsa I. Rodriguez Viera

If you are Camille Medina, or Camille Marie Medina, or Camille M. Medina, daughter of Rosa Torres (deceased), from Puerto Rico, Ambar and I are looking for you. Please write!

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 Welcome to Ambar's Christian Crochet Page

I'm overhauling this site.  Many of the patterns might be temporarily unavailable!

I am unashamedly a born again Christian.  I love Jesus Christ with all of my heart and soul and strength.  I became a Christian in 1982.  You're going to find references to my Lord Jesus Christ throughout  this site, and for that I do not appolgize.  He saved me, and made me who I am today. *smile* Thanks to Him I have a wonderful husband, children, and am content.  Life isn't always easy, but knowing that I have a relationship of faith and belief with the Creator gives me peace. 

That said, if you're curious about knowing more about Him, let me know.  This isn't religion, this is a relation-ship with a real Person.  You can read more of the gory details here.

About the crochet patterns, I have a few for beginners, and if you care to see them, go right ahead.  You DO need to know a few things, though.  First, the patterns are copyrighted.  Don't claim them as your own.  They are mine!  I'm not claiming the concept, just the instructions I've written out. THAT work is mine. Go ahead and link to this page, if you wish.  I am in the process of changing the site, so don't link to the individual patterns just yet. 

Please don't try signing my guestbook just to get a free advertisement for your company.  I approve all submissions and I'll just keep on deleting your posts.  Give up already!

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