Lisa Hi! My name is Lisa. Last summer we went camping in the North Carolina mountains. Here I am looking over the ferns we saw on our little hike.
In the Mountains
Here's a picutre of me when I was 3 with my Mom's car. My Mom has a nice car, but my FAVORITE car of all is a PURPLE Volkswagen with Sesame Street seat covers that we see around town sometimes.
I am so happy because I am not the youngest in my family any more. My brother,Tommy, was born last summer. Now he's the baby of the family!
My Cousins, Aunts, and Uncles
I have a big family. huh? I'm in the front, middle, in the black dress. My Dad is the tall one in the back. This picture was taken at my uncle's wedding when everyone on my Mom's side of the family came to North Carolina--from Arizona, Texas, and other towns in North Carolina.
I like:
I don't like:
- Power Rangers--but they give me bad dreams
- Star Trek and VH-1
- Camping--but not spending the night out there!
- Rice with soy sauce, pancakes, and macaroni with cheese
- Ice skating
- Playing the piano
- Sitting in the front seat
- Doing things better than anyone else :)
- My big brother
Unfortunately I don't have e-mail, yet (I can't read and my Dad helped me make my webpage). If you want to say something to me, tell my Mom and Dad and they will tell me :)
- Cleaning up
- Meat or vegetables
- Losing, being last, or sitting in the back seat
- Going for walks
- My big brother
Lisa / Family Homepage / March 12, 1999