Heid's is a Landmark of Liverpool, New York, a close-in suburb of Syracuse. Heid's doesn't look like much, but isn't that always the case with GREAT places to eat?Heid's is where I had my first northern hot dog.I went to Heid's for lunch one day with someone from my new job at GE. We got hot dogs and all they had to put on them was spicy mustard. In disbelief, I asked, "Where's the chili, cheese, onions, relish, and so on"? What's a hot dog without any fixin's? And they said, "Why would anyone want to put anything else on a hot dog"? Anyway, a few bites into my northern dog, and I was converted! It was GREAT! To be fair to the southern hot dogs, though, these northern dogs are quite different from the southern variety. The meat and rolls are both different. Now that I'm back in North Carolina, I still like the southern style hot dogs, but I also miss the northern style. Unfortunately, there's no Heid's around here.
Just before we left the Syracuse area, Heid's started opening up stands in the food courts of area malls. Eating there though just wasn't the same. There was no place like the original!
Our apartment in Liverpool
The view from our window - in Winter
It was a minor culture shock for us to move to central New York from southern Louisiana. The weather was the main factor. Everywhere else I lived snow was a disaster. In New York, it's no big deal--just ordinary weather, like sun, wind, and rain. That attitude, as well as driving in the snow, took a little getting used to. Now we miss it now that we're back in the sunbelt!We had some really great neighbors in our Liverpool apartment. We had a very lively group in our building. Best of all they were bigs fans of SU basketball. We would gather in the Watson's apartment for every game. The women fixed up all kinds of snacks and we had a great time watching the game.