This section of the site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Just a Warning!
This section of the site is devoted to one of Vicki's hobbies - Genealogy. If you were looking for horse stuff - you need the S & M Enterprises Home Pages. If you want information on the family lines that Vicki is researching, you've got the right spot. If neither of these things is what you want - well, I'm pretty sure you are in the wrong place! Try your browser's back button!
As per the warning above, this section is still under construction. Mainly right now we have pages of charts on our son's ancestry. They are linked, but all of the bells and whistles are not there yet. I've started adding family group pages, to go to those, just follow the links with the names on the charts. To go to the first chart, use the link here to Chart 1.
I've also recently added an index to all of the direct line ancestors. This does NOT include any collateral relatives that are on the family group records, just the direct ancestors that are on the pedigree charts.
Also, I've included a listing of various genealogical sites on the internet. I made this page to help control my bookmarks file, which had grown very large.
[ Pedigree Charts | Index | Links ]
Last updated: 13 August 1998
Webmaster: Victoria Short
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© Copyright 1998 Victoria Anne Short