Hi!!!! As if you didn't know, I'm Snoshu!:) I'm a parent of two girls, one born in '82 and one in '84. They are absolutely nothing alike!! *L* The oldest some of you may know as "Woman*in*the*Moon or Artemis. She and I compete for computer time and my t-shirts. The youngest is medically handicapped and is considered "profoundly mentally and physically" challenged. However, she is doing much more than I was led to believe she would ever do so I'm not really concerned with what she isn't doing but am working on those areas. My interests are varied. Every type of music, I'm willing to listen to--or at least try! *L* I find myself needing to keep busy. I am an avid reader (science fantasy, horror, mystery, romance) and will do almost any type of craft to keep my hands busy (crochet, sew, beading, braiding). I've also gone back to school, after more than a 30 year hiatus. I started chatting 'cuz the oldest dragged me into a chat room to get a guy to stop hitting on her--and I was hooked by all the good people there. I also find it somewhat challenging since I've always considered myself computer illiterate! I like about every type of warm-blooded critter and currently have more cats than a sane person needs. *L* Living where I do, I need good lap and foot warmers in the winter. I also currently have two horses, one a little bay, whom I'm working with. She's doing very nicely for me now -- I can hop on her in the barn or the pasture and get her to go where I want her to go with only my voice and legs - no saddle, bridle, or halter. I've done all the training on her. I also have a registered Paint filly who wasn't even halter-broke when I got her. We had to literally trap her to get her caught to load her, which took a long time. Now I can go out and she'll come running to be scratched. We've had cats, dogs (last one died in 2001--still miss him) , birds, hamsters, guinea pigs, a ferret (had to have her put down due to congestive heart failure in January 2002), fed a opossum for about 5 years, taken care of wild bunnies, had a bat (with young attached!!) for a few days while a wing healed....... you get the idea!! *L*

I was told about this place by a friend.
I've had long hair several times and for some reason, saved the braids. One was 14 inches and the other was 15 inches. My oldest daughter cut her hair to send, also, and she had spent 3 years growing it out. *S* Proud of her!!

I'm just starting this so please check back for updates. And please forgive any errors I make!!

My background and graphics are by Fantasyland Graphics