Being Apart and Not Knowing????
that you must go to court the following week to see if you can have your children returned to you. Your husband and you, and a family friend, who CP$ states is your live-in boyfriend, go to court after having to hire a lawyer, which costs money, only to find out that the judge feels in his opinion that if this is all
CP$ has then they have no case, but yet you still can not take your children home, you can't even see or speak to them. The judge further states for the mother(me) and the CP$ worker to meet and come to an agreement if possable before court the
following Wednesday, 8 days later. So your lawyer sets up a meeting for the following day, only to have CP$ cancel that appointment and set a new one for the following Monday, only two days before court. When you finally meet you find out CP$ has
no intentions of talking about any agreement to do with your children, but instead is telling you she can not do anything except make a report on her investigation and let the judge do their job. No visitation, not even a phonecall with your
children. Now Wednesday is here and your lawyer tells you that CP$ has made an offer. That offer is as follows:
If you plead guilty to neglect -slapping your children in the eyes, ears, mouth and face then your children can go home with you, but if you refuse the plea bargain then your children will go to stay with a family friend. Of course you refuse, but
instead of your children going to stay with the family friend, they are kept in foster care. You are told you can only have one 2 hour visit before court which is in 2 weeks. You feel this is not fair, because you have not seen or spoken to your children in 2 weeks and 1 day and now you only are allowed one 2 hour visit in what amounts to 4 weeks and 1 day. CP$ thinks you should be happy. Now it is 2 weeks, 3 days since you have seen or spoken to your children and yet no word. Your lawyer calls CP$ and leaves a message but the call is not returned and now it
is Friday night so you know it will be at least 2 more days before you will know anything on when you will possibly see your children. In CP$'s eyes, you are guilty until proven innocent, no rights, civil or otherwise. Is this how we want our children
to be treated? If I go to your house and say, "if you don't let me in, I'm gonna take your children", I could--and most likely would-- be arrested for communicating a threat. Why can CP$ do it and not be charged even if you prove that you did not do anything you are accused of? DO we want to be afraid if someone gets upset with us that they can just pick up the phone and make false allegations and CP$ be able to go on a power trip and come to our homes or to our childrens school and take our children away from us using whatever force they see fit to use? Or worry
if our children get upset with us for punishing them when they do something wrong, that they can go to their teacher or any other adult and say mommy or daddy did this and that and begin a NIGHTMARE that could last for at least 1 year, if not longer? And now President Bill Clinton signed a new law that states, "if a child is in foster care for 15 months, CP$ can terminate your parental rights and put your children up for adoption, and you have no say in the matter". I am one who is fighting the system, which has been messing with my family for 23 years. CP$ thinks they have a pattern but they don't look at the fact if their foster care system is as great as they say it is, then CP$ should not keep going after adults who were in their GREAT SYSTEM, they should actually go after real child abusers. Since
THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE STOPPING". I have contacted state
representatives, senators, and even the governor's office but to this time, 2 weeks, my family has not got any help. Only more lies, and pointing of the finger. CP$ says it's all up to the Judge. The judge says it's up to someone else, and someone
else says it's up to someone else, so basically it amounts to nobody in any government agency is willing to do anything to help a family, even though they all say "WE ARE DOING EVERYTHING IN OUR POWER TO MAKE SURE FAMILIES STAY TOGETHER AND CHILDREN ARE NOT PUT INTO FOSTER CARE". Well, in my eyes if that is the case why does it take CP$ 3 weeks or more (by law they have 30 days) to do an investigation? Why do our children and families have to prove we didn't do anything wrong? A murderer has to be proven guilty by the state. They have the right to a jury trial, they have the right to "FACE THEIR ACCUSER". Should parents and children not deserve the same rights? If anyone is interested in helping to do things such as write petitions and sign them, or write letters to all state and federal personnel, please
feel free to contact me thru email. If we all stand together and fight for our children then we can help change the future for our children instead of allowing children to be brainwashed into believing that their parents don't want them or that we don't love our children. BUT IF WE DON'T STAND UP, WE CAN LOOK FORWARD TO CHILDREN WHO HATE AND ARE OUT OF CONTROL. IS THAT WHAT WE WANT OR DO WE WANT CHILDREN WHO LOVE AND MAKE A LIFE FOR THEMSELF AND HAVE A HAPPY HEALTHY FAMILY?????

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