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You're Visitor # since we started this August 11th 1998.

Last October 15th 2001.
(It's all good)

-- Skip to the pics.-- Contact the webmaster. -- Sign the Guestbook. --

Latest News:

July 16th
Sorry it took me so long, but this years Pictures are Finally Up!
As usual, we got through the whole parade, last minute organization, also did a Drive train on Lakeshore BLVD.
This year i've added some small stories to go along with the pics. You can get to them by clicking here, or on link in the left frame.

May 21st
Yeah! That's Right!! 10, 000 hits!
We'll be online now for almost 3 years, and we reached a very nice mildstone!
We're soon going to start working on the car for this faithfull day of July 1st.
If anyone's interested in coming to see us, then just drop me a line and I'll tell you how to get to our neck of the woods  ;o)

Nov 7th
No new news, we're pretty much in the off season now...
But don't fret, if anything comes up, it will be posted right away!
As we come up on another Remembrance day (Nov. 11th)
you can visit my page (click here) dedicated to those who faught for us.
And don't forget to wear a poppy!

Aug. 2nd
MY SPELLING IS AWFUL!! (ok well we've all known that for a while now!)

Hey, we're all Union here, ok!
This page is continuously being updated, you know, when I feel like it.
So bookmark us (Control-D) &  make sure to check back as much as possible.

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This URL is sure to lead you to the best and fastest version of the Canada 1 site.

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*Mirror #3; Geocities
Mirror #4; Tripod
*Mirror #5; Infinit

* indicates ones currently in use.

To Ensure that You have the most current version of this page
hit the Reload/Refresh button every so often.

This page is dedicated to all proud Canadians and to the crew of Canada 1.

Incase you have never heard of us, we are a group of friends from Montreal Quebec
Who go in the Canada Day parade every year, with our '72 Nova, which is painted liek a flag of course!

Well, here are a few pictures to temporarily satisfy your needs:
just click on any one of them to get the full image.
(check the left frame for links to more pics.)

Canada1 came through again in the 2001 Canada day parade, here's a pic just after it rained during the parade.
Colin and Steve, It actually Rained on our Parade!

We made it again for a run in the 2000 Canada day parade, here's what she looked like;

2000 Parade aftermath.

Here's a good one showing us in the 1999 City's parade, that was a blast!

Can you believe they put US in the Parade!!

A few from 1998 for ya...


..............................We Have Liftoff!!!.......................................

Houston, we have a problem.

Canada 1 pleasing the crowd by launching into a Wheel Stand.

(yes, the front tires are actually off the ground!).
Wow, you can't even see the jack that was under it!! I mean, uh, hehee..

Not from Canada? want to hear a version of our National Anthem ? Midi (11kb) or Wav (653kb)
Other midi's:

Any questions or comment? E-Mail (not hate mail) me bla bla bla

E-fax: 801-858-8117

Or ICQ  6504558
Currently I am;   (p.s., if it says disabled here, try not to laugh :o)

Sign Our Guestbook
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If you can't get into our guestworld guestbook, please go here;

Sign our alternate Guestbook

View our alternate Guestbook

You can also view our previous guestbook at geocities.

Lastly I'd like to thank any and everyone who
helped me in any way with the creation of this page.


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The webmaster is  not liable for any actions taken to anyone due to the content of this site.
All the actions occurred are at the discretion of the individual.
All content of this site is solely meant for entertainment and/or satire.

This site is made and maintained by the webmaster only.
None of it's contents is made for his personal gain or profit.

© 2001 Frank06 Web Designs, all car pictures on this site are original,
most others were found and assumed to be free for the taking.
If you'd like to copy something off my site, I wouldn't oppose, but only if
I've been consulted of it before hand.