Let Me Not Forget The Flowers

I'm the one who got too busy,
I couldn't take the time.
I'm the one who put things off,
I said later would be fine.

First, I must do that,
Then, let me finish this.
My pencil's in the other room,
Or I would make a list.

Was someone knocking at my door?
I think I hear my phone.
The cat is crying to come in,
I think I must postpone.

Where's my glasses; where's my pen?
I cannot find my scratchpad.
Gosh, there goes the phone again,
Where is the time I thought I had?

A thousand interruptions,
Ten thousand more excuses,
Innumerable distractions.
Thoughtless time abuses.

My information's overloaded,
I need to slow me down.
I'm caught up in a whirlwind,
I'm going round and round.

The people that I love the most,
I seem to put "on hold."
They're supposed to "understand,"
Because they love me so.

And God, whom I claim to love,
More than anybody else.
When did last I talk to Him,
Take His Book down from the shelf?

I think about God's mega-tasks,

And their vast enormity.
This whole world is in His hands,
Yet, He still has time for me.

My priorities must be re-set,
All of this is my own fault.
Forgive me, God, I'm sorry,
For not doing as I ought.

Let me have more time for others,
Let me spend more time with You.
Let me not forget the flowers,
And enjoy the sunshine, too.

Virginia (Ginny) Ellis
copyright 2000
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