~ Eat plum pudding on Christmas and avoid losing a
friend before next Christmas.
~ On Chrismas Eve all animals can speak. However,
it is bad luck to test this superstition.
~ The child born on Christmas Day will have a
special fortune.
~ Wearing new shoes on Christmas Day will bring
bad luck.
~ In Ireland it is believed the gates of Heaven open
at midnight on Christmas Eve. Those who die then
go straight to Heaven.
~ If you refuse a mince pie at Christmas dinner, you
will have bad luck for the coming day.
~ If you eat a raw egg before eating anything else on
Christmas morning, you will be able to carry heavy
~ Snow on Christmas means Easter will be green.
~ Good luck will come to the home where a fire is
kept burning throughout the Christmas season.
~ Place shoes by side on Christmas Eve to prevent
a quarreling family.
~ A clear star-filled sky on Christmas Eve will bring
good crops in the summer.
~ A blowing wind on Christmas Day brings good
~ In Greece, some people burn their old shoes
during the Christmas season to prevent
misfortunes in the coming year.
~ In the Swedish countryside, from cock crow to
daybreak on Christmas morning the trolls (wicked
elves) roam about.
~ In Devonshire, England, a girl raps at the
henhouse door on Christmas Eve. If a rooster
crows, she will marry within the year.
~ You will have as many happy months in the
coming year, as the number of houses you eat
mince pie in during Christmastime.
~ Shout 'Christmas Gift' to the first person
knocking on your door on Christmas Day and
expect to receive a gift from the visitor.
* A three year old once gave this reaction to her~Just for fun~
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