Here are few things you can do to renew the Christmas spirit everyday:
* Bake
a batch of Christmas cookies (who cares if it's the middle
of's fun!).
* Feed the birds.
* Give a gift to someone at work-anonomously.
* Read the Bible.
* Read the Bible to a child.
* Pull
out your Christmas card list and send postcards to
everyone on it just to say "Hi".
* Stop
by and visit a friend or relative who is homebound. If
you don't know anyone, check with your church, I'm sure they
* Love unconditionally.
* Clean
out your attic and/or closet. Give unused clothing to the
Salvation Army, DAV, or a local women's shelter.
* Listen
to some Christmas songs (they cheer me up no matter
when I listen to them).
* Play
a board game with your family instead of turning on the
T.V...even if it is a new episode of ER.
* Call an old friend.
* E-mail an old friend.
* Go
to your local animal shelter even if only to give an unwanted
animal a few moments of attention and love.
* Bake
a cake for your neighbor (a fruitcake would be very
'Christmasy' but kinda icky)
* Bring
home that puppy or kitten your kids have been begging
* Say
a prayer for someone who is not very nice to you. They
probably need it. (Don't we all!)
Pick up a bag of groceries just to take
to a local shelter or soup
* Have a yard sale, make everything free.
* Have a yard sale and give all proceeds to your church.
* Create
your own web site dedicated to celebrating Christmas
everyday! :)
* Dig out your Christmas socks--wear 'em--to work.
* Write
a Christmas story or poem with your family and/or
friends as the characters. Send it with your Christmas cards.
* Turn up the AC and put a fire in the fireplace. Hang stockings!
* Play.
* Stop
and look around once in awhile, thank God for another
day on Earth.
* Take
some books or stuffed animals to the children's unit at
a local hospital.
* Buy yourself something new.
* Take a road you've never taken before...see where it leads.
* Make a turkey, with all the trimmings!
* Have some cranberry sauce.
* Believe in miracles. Mary did.
* Take a co-worker to lunch.
* Call your parents, tell them you love them.
* Forgive.
* Watch your favorite Christmas movie.
* Pull out your nativity figurines. Leave them out.
* Embrace diversity.
* Commit random acts of kindness, often.
* Volunteer.
* Buy a plant, re-pot it--we all need room to grow.
* Take the dog for a long walk.
* Rake your neighbor's yard.
* Throw a party.
* Go through old photo's. Smile.
* Visit
the grave site of a loved one, thank God that you are
* Thank Jesus that you will never die.
* Have a picnic.
* Have a candlelight dinner.
* Baby-sit
for free so that someone can have a picnic or a
candlelight dinner.
* Look for angels.
* Be
an angel.