Tyralchian Dragons

"Anything new since I last visited?" you ask.
Jaysen smiles and says, "You bet! Kechel moved out, and I have a new dragon. He's a special white dragon, named Ansha, whom I won in a drawing at Alicorn's. Also, you can see my Tyralchian weyrlings. The brown is Wythe, and the aqua is Korle."

He feeds the pair with one hand as he says, "Trishi, the mother of this clutch, honoured me indeed by allowing me to Impress a second of her children."
"Tyralchian dragon?" you ask, surprised.
"Yes, from Tyralchia, like my flits," he explains.
"Are they like Pernese ones, then?" You ask.
"A bit, but with more interesting colours," Jaysen smiles. "In order of rank, there are golds, aquas, browns, greens, blues, and reds."
"Good luck with them," you nod at the enthusiastic young man, and he grins his thanks.

Korle, aqua Tyralchian dragon, Trishi X Kurzin, unmated
Wythe, brown Tyralchian dragon, Trishi X Kurzin, unmated
Ansha, special white Tyralchain dragon


All material on these pages, including the background,
is ©1998 Sha-Haven.  Contact Jaysen
for details, or if you want custom pix for your tilldrakes' weyr. Don't steal these, just ask for some.