Pocket Lizards!

A young man and his red lizard are in the next weyr.

"Hi," he greets you, clasping your hand. "I'm Jaysen, and this is Lynk, my lava pocket lizard from Moonlight Weyr."
"Pocket lizard?" you ask, curiously watching the red female chew on some jerky.
Jaysen explains. "Pernese are the highest ranking of the pocket lizard sets, with the normal pern colours. Oasis is the next set, with Red, Spring, and Palm lizards. The last set is the Volcanic, with Lava, Rust, Smoke, and Molten ranks." Proudly, he strokes Lynk. "As Lava, Lynk is a leader of the Volcanic set. She's not too smart, but she can run faster than most birds can fly! Oh, and I just adopted another two pockets. One's a brown, and he's named Ende. The other is an egg named Saro from green Slara and spring Tiro's clutch."
"This Mercurian here is Lywin, a child of Lynk's!" Jaysen says. proudly, the lava female croons and looks smug.


All material on these pages, including the background,
is ©1998 Sha-Haven. Contact Jaysen
for details.