You step into the next weyr and hold back a gasp of wonder. Greenery floods the place to overflowing, branches of bromeliads, jars of bright red pepperomias, and beautiful sprays of orchids. Amidst this partial-anarchy, the owner is nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, a small potted palm appears to move of its own accord. A young man peers around it, and spots you.
Hi!" he says in a friendly voice. Encouraged, you enter, carefully keeping to the narrow stone path.
As you approach the youngster, he lowers the palm and turns to you. "I'm Jaysen," he introduces himself. Seeing your curious look around the creeper-covered cavern, he smiles. "This is my miniature rainforest. And the stars of the show are, of course, my dragonets! This one's name is Ayx'Adya Tri'Dir. The first is his birthname, a translation of dragonet-speak, the second is his callname, which I gave him, and the last shows his lineage. His mother was Tri'Krili Mre'Dra and his sire was Dir'Jormisal Wer'Mik."
You admire the lively little one. "Dragonet?" you ask, nearly tripping over a small pile of dry leaves as you follow Jaysen deeper in.
"Careful of the leaves," he calls back, too late. "I gathered some for the dragonets to sleep in. As for what exactly dragonets are, they are small flit-like creatures from Shar. One person can bond many, so I hope to get more."
"Tell me more," you ask, interested.
Jaysen goes on, pleased. "Well, they have ranks. First come Rainforest dragonets, then Glacier or Tundra, Desert or Plains, River, Grassland, Ocean and Forest. There are also Mutations, which are very rare. They're all hunters, I think, and pairs mate for life. As you may guessed from his colour, Adya is a Rainforest."

"And here come Zyl'Kana Bia'Syn and Vey'Aequor Ayk'Syi now," Jaysen says, sounding pleased. "Kana is a forest female, and Aequor is a river male." The grey speckled male hides shyly behind the brown female, who looks at you with interest.
You thank Jaysen for his "lecture", and he waves a hand. "Oh, it was nothing. By the way, want a berry?" He invites, snatching up a broad leaf with a load of colourful fruit.
You eye the exotic fruit warily. Finally selecting a bunch of relatively harmless-looking berries, you bite into them, pleasantly surprised at their sweet juiciness.

Another two dragonets materialize, one a lovely blue and the other golden yellow.
"En'Aria Ayt'Per, an ocean female, and Kyt'Alia Syj'Tib, a desert female." Jaysen introduces the two chittering flits. "They were adopted from the same clutch-group, so they're best of friends. And here's Vyl'Vela Vek'Nyz, a desert male. He's the youngest of my six."
Thanking Jaysen for the tour of his miniature rainforest, you carefully make you way out once more, and leave.

Sharian Dragonets
 Sha-Haven Weyr Index
Please do not not steal my graphics.