
This weyr is pretty unusual.  It reaches right down to the shore of the Sha-karna Inlet, and a small stream of sea water creates a rather pretty little pool in the middle of the sandy, salt-smelling weyr.

Jaysen opens his arm to reveal a dainty little dragon-thing nestled against his body.  "This is Arynna, my night drake from Circle Cove! She is mated to Koddragon's Earth male E'li." The young man says proudly.  "She loves music, so I carved her her very own wooden flute, but she's too shy to perform."

After carefully setting the tilldrake down and leaving her to fiddle with her flute, Jaysen continues, "Night drakes are the lowest ranking of the Forest set, though they are the rarest of the lowest-ranking, but even if Ryn was the lowest and commonest in ALL the sets I'd still love her."  He strokes the softly gleaming body of the drakeling and she creels in pleasure and nuzzles him.
"She looks very nice," you comment.
"Yes, Ryn is lovely," Jaysen smiles at you in thanks.  "I adopted from the first clutch, a wild one, and I'm hoping to adopt from the third clutch or adopt an abandoned one, to find a friend for her.  A real pack of them, a complete set or two..."  Jaysen muses on the possibilities.  "But I already have a full Jungle set," he grins, "They were a gift."
"Could you tell me more on colour?" You inquire.
Jaysen half-closes his eyes, as if reciting from memory (he probably is!).  "The Desert set, in order of rank, has gold, silver and bronze.  The Forest set has tree, earth and night, like my Arynna.  And the Sea/Cliff set has sky, cloud, and water."
"Are there specials?" you ask curiously.
"Oh there's plains," Jaysen says, opening his eyes and smiling at you.  "Those are the highest-ranked.  And coral-hybrids can occur with any colour.  Those are good swimmers." 
The dark-haired man smiles.  "I have a special weyr here, maybe you'd like to see it? Oh, and two new sets are up! The Highland, which has Snow, Shale and Peak; And the Jungle, with Leaf, Vine, and Fruit/Flower. Athelia mentioned some sort of gift for discovering the
Jungle ones, and they've arrived! A complete set!" Jaysen beams and gestures at the cluster of brightly-coloured drakes you've already noticed.

"I guess their certs make all the necessary introduction!" Jaysen laughs. "Llenwyn is an avid collector of tiny weapons, and 'Quitas' eyes are simply glued to the skies, as he loves star- and solar-gazing."

"That's Llenwyn's miniature sword collection, smithed by my sister Jaque and ornamented by myself, and a necklace-gift from her mate Anill."

"That's one of 'Quitas' star maps. Oh and his sundial, he likes solar-gazing, too."

"How does he take the sun's glare?" you ask, startled.
"See that second eyelid?" Jaysen holds the blinking vine drake up to you. And indeed, you do see a translucent lid sliding off and on as Aequitas blinks. "It filters out the strongest rays."
"Interesting," you comment. "And they're as pretty as their eggs were. I see you have another fruit/flower drake, too."

"Yes," Jaysen nods. "Kann, a daughter of Aequitas. Plus, I got a special gift from Athelia!"

You are just about to say, "What?--" when a tiny meow interrupts you. You looked down, and can't help but be charmed by the grey-white cat-creature rubbing against your leg. "What is it?" you ask Jaysen.
He picks the little creature up and caresses it. "It's a lekitara," he says, "An animal native to Kylor. This is Katana, my female. As I said, she was a gift. Athelia was rather mysterious about what for, but I kinda got the idea that it was for 'good behaviour'." The young man grins mischieviously.
Just as you are about to leave, Alamand trots up and deposits a gift at your feet. Chittering, he looks up at you expectantly.

"Well, you have his approval." Jaysen smiles as you pick up the pomegranate and berries wrapped in a leaf. "He's decided you're a good person." Pleased, you bend and stroke the red flower drake, who creels in delight at your acceptance of his gift.
"More and more all the time," Jaysen sighs but you can see the twinkle in his eye as he strokes the earth and water males.


Type/name M/F Clutch Owner/mate
Night ArynnaFWild clutchKoddragon's Earth Eli
Leaf LlenwynFContestTilla's Fruit/Flower Anill*
Vine AequitasMContestDragonflight's Tree Mera*
Fruit/Flower AlamandMContestNight Ophelia*
Fruit/Flower KannFAequitas X MeraEarth Kaellen*
Coral-snow SlakeFContestN/A
Earth AwynMAnill X LlenwynN/A
Water AraliM???N/A

All material on these pages, including the background,
is ©1998 Sha-Haven.  Contact Jaysen for details, or if you want custom pix for your tilldrakes' weyr. Don't steal these, just ask for some.