December 15, 2006
Dear Friends,
Grace to you and peace.
This was another year of theater for me.
During the summer I had a part in The Aerospace Players' production of Big River--The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. See my web site at
The picture on the left is of me with the twins Sue and Nancy Brennan, two of my friends and "costars". Sue (on the left) played the part of the Widow Douglas, as well as a "tart" in the Bricktown, Arkansas, scene. Nancy (on the right) was also a "tart", along with several other parts. I am dressed as Counselor Robinson, although I had three other parts.
The Notables, that choral group which started as a lunch-time singing group at Hughes Aircraft, but has now grown to a community singing society (or vocal troupe) in El Segundo, put on two major shows, as well as our Christmas concert. In October it was "Love and Good Vibrations: A 'Sixties Revival", a revue of songs from the 1960s. The picture on the right is of me with the Brennan twins, each of us in one of many costumes we wore for the show. The turtleneck is as close as I got to a "hippie" look; I ordered it especially for the show. Then I noticed the tag inside read "Made in Vietnam"!
Also I continue with Scottish Country Dancing. I have learned enough figures so
that I can do all of the dances now.
I am also continuing to teach at East Los Angeles College and Glendale College.
And I continue to be a member of All Saints' Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills, and in the choir. It still appears that the Episcopal church will split, although no one seems to know when it will happen happen. Visit
You are invited to visit my Web page, at You can visit the latest version of this letter, which also has hyperlinks, unavailable on paper! Point your browser to I may make changes here as the month of December continues.
Our prayers are with the men and women of the armed forces in Iraq and Afghanistan and elsewhere, and their families, as well as our President, his cabinet and advisers, the government, and all our men and women in uniform at home and abroad. May God guide and protect the United States of America.
May you have a very Merry Christmas, and a healthy and blessed New Year.
Tony McQuilkin