Chuck and Debbie's
Email us your needs till then

Fisher Price





Hello, We are Chuck and Debbie,

We collect Fisher Price Little People.

It started with one barn and a silo full of barn and other pieces.

 Pretty soon we started finding all sorts of fun sets..Zoo's and Castles..Ferry Boats..Western Towns..Sesame Street..which led us to ask..

"How do we find out what goes with which set? and how many sets are there?"
To answer our questions we turned to the Web
We found so much information
(Thanks to all of you for posting such great info.)
We were amazed!!!
 We've took all that information and put it into a form
that we hope will help you :

If you are a Fisher Price "addict" like us.

please use it ,

tell your friends about it.

p.s. we hope to add pictures soon.

Just scroll on down, sets are listed in numerical order


( Have you seen this piece? )


( Who Knows what deals can be made? )


Little People Toys were first available in 1959.
The first set was #983 the "Safety School Bus"
This is the only toy in the series with litho
wrapped people
  Fisher Price then made Little People firemen
with green or white bodies and
also WIDE based people from 1960 - 1965
(as best we can determine)
These were used in the School Bus,
 Fire Engine and The Nifty Station Wagon playsets.
  After that Fisher Price made straight sided,
narrow based Little People
with wooden heads and bodies,
these were used from 1963 - 1969
in many of the sets.

   The type of Little People you are mostly likely to see,
at say, a garage sale,
are a peg type shape
(narrow at the bottom, wider at the top of body)
these were used from about 1965 - 1990
when, sadly ,they discontinued the (smaller) Little People.
They were wood from 1965 - 1971
(as best we can determine).
They had plastic heads and wood bodies from 1971 - 1976
(as best we can determine).
 Lastly they were made ALL plastic.
Older Little People Cars (pre - 1988)
should have "Fisher Price" on the wheels and the FP logo on the hood.
Cars from 1988 and beyond should say "1969 - 1987" on the bottom
and lack FP logo on the hood.
 Last note,
sets made during the transition period could have either type of vehicle.
(i.e. some 1988 sets have the older type of cars in them)

Please remember to  RELOAD page whenever you visit
to see all NEW information being added.

  # 11
 Display Holder For #932 Amusement Park
More elusive than Big Foot..We've never even seen a picture.

 # 111
Play Family Merry-go-Round
Wind-up music box turns Merry-go-round with 4 ride in animals
and mad boy on top of ticket booth turns crank.
Pieces : 4 little people
1973 version : Turquoise body boy ( red cap sideways, smile)
Green body afro-am. boy (red cowboy hat)
Red body girl (blonde pony tail, eyelash eyes)
Blue body girl (blonde braids)
1974 version is same as 1973
 1977 version :  Yellow body boy (red cap forward facing, smile)
red body Afro-am. boy (yellow cowboy hat)
red body girl (blonde bob w/bangs)
blue girl (rust hair in bob)

# 117
Set of Barn Pieces
 6 fence pieces (old style, w/scalloped edges ,no wood grain on posts)
white chicken
brown dog w/black spots
white sheep w/black ears
black pig w/white ears
 white cow w/brown ears
brown horse w/black ears
white water trough.

# 121
Happy Hoppers
Three clear plastic compartments with a little people figure captive
  inside each one that hop as toy is pushed.
The 3 little people are sealed inside and you can only get them out if you break it.  (we suggest a good ol' fashioned hammer..*joke* :o) )
1971 version: Turquoise body girl (red braids)
Red boy (freckle face, sideways yellow cap, smile)
Straight sided dog with red collar
1973 - 1974 same as 1971
    1975 version :   Red body girl (blonde braids)
Turquoise body boy ( sideways red cap,smile)
Straight sided dog with yellow collar
1975 boy could have red cowboy hat
boy could also have blue body and be mad
dog might be of the peg style body too

# 123
Play Family Vehicle Assortment
#124Fire Engine
Black body short man (w/freckles, white arms, white hat) Fireman
1989 no freckles
Blue body girl (w/blonde bob hair under blue cap) Policewoman
Yellow 25 MPH sign
White body tall man (w/bald head, caucasian) Doctor
 #127Mail truck
This truck has blue bugle on the side
Grey body short man (w/grey M cap, caucasian) Mailman

 # 124
 Fire Truck
Fire engine play set
  Fire Engine w/Yellow extension ladder (2 pieces)
Black body short man (w/freckles, white arms, white hat) Fireman
1989 no freckles

# 125
 Police Car
Blue and Red Policecar
Blue body girl (w/blonde bob hair under blue cap) Policewoman
Yellow 25 MPH sign

# 126
Red and White Ambulance
White body tall man (w/bald head, caucasian) Doctor

# 127
Mail Truck
 Mail truck play set
Mail truck
This truck has blue bugle on the side
Grey body short man (w/grey M cap, caucasian) Mailman

 # 135
 Play Family Circus
Circus set
2 yellow ladders with a bend in the middle so that a figure can stand half way up
Blue ladder stand tub shape, w/4 stars on base and a clown litho on bottom, slot in top holds ladders upright.
Yellow H shaped ladder connector holds 2 ladders together.
Red hoop
 Yellow trapeze
Brown/grey bear w/tan tummy and snout
Brown monkey w/tan snout and curly black tail
Tan lion w/black mane and tufty tail
Blue elephant w/grey ears
Orangey/brown spotty giraffe w/black horns
Short black body man (black tophat, white bowtie/bib,mustache) Ringmaster
 Short red,wood, body person (Yellow pointy hat, white face, red nose) Clown

 # 136
Play Family Lacing Shoe
Wood base shoe w/wood tongue and top,
plastic sides and plastic toe which lifts on hinges.

Blue and white braided shoe lace or Red and white braided shoe lace
Bell Shaped, All wood, Blue bodied lady (White Hair, glasses) Mom
    Triangle shaped base, All wood, Yellow body  girl (painted on hair bow,smile) Susie
Triangle shaped base, All wood, Yellow body girl (freckles w/frown) Freckles
Square shaped base, All wood, Red body boy (freckles w/smile) Butch
Square shaped base, All wood, Red body boy (smile) Pee Wee
Bell shaped (short bell), All wood, Black body dog (plastic ears) Marshmallow

 # 141
 "Play Family Mini Bus"
All figures bounce up and down when vehicle is in motion.
1969 - 1978 version:  Vehicle has red top/white bottom
1979 - 1982 version:  Vehicle has white top/red bottom
1983 - 1988 version:  Vehicle has red top/white bottom
'88Yellow Pampers Promo van was made
1989 - 1990 version:  Vehicle has white top/red bottom
'89 - '90 name changed to "MINI VAN"
 1971 version: Orange body boy ( bald )
Green body man ( bald )
Blue body girl ( Blonde braids )
Blue body lady ( Blonde ponytail, eyelash eyes)
 Black body dog ( red or Yellow collar) "Lucky"
1973 version:  "Lucky" has a red collar, all other figures identical to '71
    1975 version:  "Lucky" has a red collar, blue body girl ( brown bob) other figures same as'71
    1988 version :  Pampers Promotional mini bus
Green bodyboy ( w/red cap facing forward, Only made for this set)
 Blue body man, short ( w/blue M cap , used as mailman or pilot in other sets)
Red body girl ( brown hair in a bob)
1989 version:   Blue body girl ( blonde bob);
Yellow body girl ( rust bob)
Red body lady ( black hair in bun)
Green body man ( black molded hair)
Black body dog ( with red collar ) "Lucky"
    1990 version:  Blue body girl ( blonde bob )
Yellow body girl ( brown bob )
Red body lady ( black ponytail )
Green body man (black molded hair)

 # 146
 "Pull-A-Long Lacing Shoe"
Shoe with wood base, tongue and top, a yellow plastic pull cord, with plastic toe and sides.  The toe opens up on hinges.
Blue and white shoelace (braided)
 Blue body lady (white hair w/glasses)
  Triangle shaped base, All wood, Yellow body  girl (painted on hair bow,smile) Susie
Triangle shaped base, All wood, Yellow body girl (freckles w/frown) Freckles
Square shaped base, All wood, Red body boy (freckles w/smile) Butch
Square shaped base, All wood, Red body boy (smile) Pee Wee
Bell shaped (short bell), All wood, Black body dog (plastic ears) Marshmallow
All the people were ALL wooden early in toys run w/plastic heads later , dog remained ALL wood throughout the toys run.  Marshmallow might have been replaced by a regular "Lucky" dog sometime during this toys run.

# 151
 "Goldilocks and 3 Bears Playhouse"
House on wheels w/eyes that go up and down when toy is pulled.  Roof opens up to reveal interior of Bears House.  Big Yellow plastic key for Roofs Keyhole is attached to end of yellow plastic pull string.

Wooden Square shaped base,Red body, plastic bear head "PaPa"
Wooden short bell shaped base, Blue body, plastic bear head "MaMa"
Wooden Triangle shaped base, Yellow body, plastic bear head "Baby"
Blue body girl (blonde braids, ALL wood) "Goldilocks"

 # 168
 "Snorky Fire Engine"
Fire engine with white base, yellow extension ladder with place on end for little people to ride on, string attached fire hose.
Green body short men (red hats, red hands, rivets stuck in top of heads) Firemen (4)
Black dog w/pointy face and cone shaped body (painted white features)
(All figures are wood)

 # 169
"Snorky Fire Engine"
Play fire engine set.
Fire engine with yellow extension ladder with basket on end for little people to ride in, string attached fire hose.
White body short men (red hats, red hands,) Firemen (4)

 # 170
 "Change-a-Tune Carousel"
Little people swing chair ride with a record playing music box
      (plays fisher price records when you turn crank and little people ride in swings)
Pink , yellow or blue records (3) which are lettered A, B and C (colors were random mix) orange body afro-am. boy (bald)
 yellow body boy (bald)
blue body girl (rust hair in bob).

# 182
White and green airplane w/yellow wings, "tinted" windshield and yellow plastic pull string.
2 pieces of luggage (1 brown and square, 1 blue and round w/flat bottom)
Dark green body man (bald)
Orange body boy (bald)
Yellow body lady(brown hair, pony tail)
Lime green body girl (rust hair in bob)
1983 boy's body may have been green

# 183
"Play Family Fun Jet"
White airplane w/red wings and blue engines.  Cockpit is open w/big headed Pilot who looks back and forth when you pull along the toy with its yellow plastic pull string.

2 pieces of luggage (1 yellow and rectangular, 1 light green and round w/flat bottom)
Blue body lady (blonde hair)
Green body man ( bald )
Orange body boy (bald),
Blue body girl (rust hair in bob) or (blonde braids in 1971 - 1973 and 1975 versions)

 # 192
 "School Bus"
Bus makes clickety clack noise when pulled (yellow plastic pull string) and big headed driver looks side to side, eyes on bus also move up and down.  Toy has a wooden base if made before 1989 and a plastic base if made after that date.  Stop sign which swivels out from under driver's window on toy until 1974, not found on buses made after that date.

1965 version:   Green body girl ( red bob w/bangs freckles )
Blue body girl ( red ponytail, eyelash eyes )
Red body girl ( blonde braids )
Red body boy ( yellow pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways yellow cap, w/freckles, frown )
Green body afro-am. boy ( red cowboy hat )
Tan body dog ( w/red collar ) "Fido"
  1968 version :  Green body girl ( red bob w/bangs freckles )
Blue body girl ( blonde ponytail, eyelash eyes )
Red body boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways yellow cap, w/freckles, frown )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Tan body dog ( w/red collar ) "Fido"
   1969 version :  Green body girl ( red bob w/bangs freckles )
Blue body girl ( red braids )
Red body girl ( blonde ponytail, eyelash eyes )
Red body boy ( yellow pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways yellow cap, w/freckles, frown )
Green body boy ( red cowboy hat, w/freckles )
Black straight body dog ( w/red collar ) ?"Lucky"?
     1971 version :  Lime Green body girl ( rust hair in bob, w/freckles )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Green body boy ( red pot hat, w/freckles )
Black straight body dog ( w/yellow or blue collar ) ?"Lucky"?
   1973 version :  Green body girl ( rust hair in bob, w/freckles )
Blue body girl ( red braids )
Red body girl ( blonde pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Green body afro-am. boy ( red cowboy hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways yellow cap, w/freckles, frown )
Red body boy ( yellow pot hat )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
  1975 version :  Lime green girl ( rust hair in bob )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Green body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways yellow cap, w/freckles, frown )
Black body dog ( w/yellow collar ) "Lucky"
   1977 version :  Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
   1979 version :  Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
 Lime green girl ( rust hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
 Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Black body dog  ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
    1981 version :  Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Lime green body girl ( rust hair in bob )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
    1983 version :  Red body girl ( rust hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( rust hair in bob )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
   1985 version :  Red body girl ( rust hair in bob )
Green body girl ( rust hair in bob, w/freckles )
Blue body girl ( red pony tail, eyelash eyes )
Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( red pot hat )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, w/freckles, frown )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
    1989 version :  red body girl ( brown hair in bob )
Yellow body girl ( black hair in bob)
Blue body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Red body afro-am. boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Green body boy ( black molded hair )
Yellow body boy ( red forward facing cap )
Black body dog ( w/ red collar ) "Lucky"

# 234
"Nifty Station Wagon"
Station wagon (convertable) with Eyes that go up and down when pulled, also, makes fun motor sound !  Has fold down tailgate and 2 back seats spin their passengers. ( whee! )

Pieces :
2 plastic roof supports
Wood, removeable roof that has Fisher Price litho on top
Blue body man
( straight sided, taller than reg., sleepy eyes, triangle mouth, dot nose,paint wavy brown hair )
Green body lady
( straight sided type, hour glass figure, taller than reg., sleepy eyes, triangle mouth, dot nose, ) ( painted on wavy brown hair )
 Yellow body child
( straight sided type, bell like figure, dot eyes, crooked smile, no nose, no hair )
Black body dog
( straight sided type, bell like shape, white eyes, dot nose, white plastic ears )

# 340
Little Truck Rigs - Bulldozer
Orange and yellow construction vehicle.

Pieces :
Green body man ( silver hard hat, orange scarf ) construction worker

  # 341
 Little Truck Rigs -  Scoop Loader
Orange and yellow construction vehicle.

Pieces :
Blue body man ( silver hard hat, orange scarf, moustache ) construction worker

 # 342
Little Truck Rigs - Dump Truck
Orange and yellow construction vehicle.

Pieces :
Blue body man ( silver hard hat, orange scarf, moustache ) construction worker

 # 343
Little Truck Rigs - Forklift
Orange and yellow construction vehicle.

Pieces :
Green body man ( silver hard hat, orange scarf ) construction worker

Little Truck Rigs - Helicopter
Pieces :
Green and white truck and trailer
Gray helicopter landing pad (snaps on)
Yellow, square seat
Black rudder
Blue body man, tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Tan body man, tall ( silver hard hat, orange scarf ) construction worker

 # 345
 Little Truck Rigs - Boat Hauler
Pieces :
Blue and white truck and trailer
Boat holder ( snaps on )
Blue and white speed boat
 White body man, tall ( blue M cap ) skipper
Dark blue body man  ( silver hard hat, orange scarf, moustache )

# 346
Little Truck Rigs - Fire Truck Rig
 Play firetruck set

Pieces :
Long red fire truck with two part, white, exstension ladder Cherry Picker on end
( gold or white design on doors of fire truck )
   Yellow truck braces ( 2, to keep truck upright when ladder is extended )
2 Black body men, short ( silver hats, white hands ) firemen
     ( in 1985 hats and hands are red and in 1989 1 has red hat & hands other has white )

 # 347
Little Truck Rigs - Indy Racer
Racing team set.
Pieces :
Yellow and White truck and tilting flatbed trailer
Red race car
Black body , short man ( black helmet, face is two eyes peeking out of helmet ) Race driver
  Blue body man, tall ( white engineer hat, boy face ) Truck driver
( in 1989 truck driver's hat might be blue

 Little Truck Rigs
Pieces :
Green and white truck and trailer
Gray helicopter landing pad (snaps on)
Yellow, square seat
Black rudder
Blue body man, tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Tan body man, tall ( silver hard hat, orange scarf ) construction worker
Blue and white truck and trailer
Boat holder ( snaps on )
Blue and white speed boat
 White body man, tall ( blue M cap ) skipper
Dark blue body man  ( silver hard hat, orange scarf, moustache )
Long red fire truck with 2 part, white, exstension ladder Cherry Picker on end
( gold or white design on doors of fire truck )
   Yellow truck braces ( 2, to keep truck upright when ladder is extended )
2 Black body men, short ( silver hats, white hands ) firemen
     ( in 1985 hats and hands are red and in 1989 1 has red hat & hands other has white )
Yellow and White truck and tilting flatbed trailer
Red race car
Black body , short man ( black helmet, face is two eyes peeking out of helmet ) Race driver
  Blue body man, tall ( white engineer hat, boy face ) Truck driver
( in 1989 truck driver's hat might be blue )

 # 397
Little Truck Rigs Assortment
Pieces :
Green and white truck and trailer
Gray helicopter landing pad (snaps on)
Yellow, square seat
Black rudder
Blue body man, tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Tan body man, tall ( silver hard hat, orange scarf ) construction worker
Blue and white truck and trailer
Boat holder ( snaps on )
Blue and white speed boat
 White body man, tall ( blue M cap ) skipper
Dark blue body man  ( silver hard hat, orange scarf, moustache )

 # 398
Little Trucks Assortment
Set of 4 construction vehicles.
Orange and Yellow Scoop Loader
Orange and Yellow Bulldozer
 Orange and Yellow Dumptruck
 Orange and Yellow Fork Lift
brown pallet
1 gray crate
2 Lt. blue body men, tall ( silver hard hats, orange scarves, moustaches ) construction workers
2 Green body men, tall ( silver hard hats, orange scarves ) construction workers

# 635
Airlift Copter
Pieces :
Blue and white helicopter ( yellow rotors, yellow lifting hook )
Orange lifting cage
lt. brown crate
Green man , tall ( Green M cap )

 # 636
Farm Friends
Pieces :
Green or Yellow Tractor
Green or Yellow Cart
( Should be opposite of eachother )
Blue man , tall (yellow cowboy hat, yellow or orange triangle scarf) farmer
Black dog ( w/ red collar ) "Lucky"
   Red rooster

 # 656
Little Riders
Ride on toys for Little People children
    Pieces :
Riding Horse
Color choices were Red , Orange , Blue , and Green
Horse and Plane were same color
Tricycle and Train were same color
Wagon was a remaining color
( This pattern was broken in 1989 versions of set )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
( She had a brown bob in 1986 , 1987 , 1989 versions of set )
Yellow body boy ( red cap forward facing , freckles , smile )
 ( He lost his freckles in 1989 version , guess lemons work? ; ) )

# 657
 Crazy Clown Brigade
Red top circus car with yellow bottom and blue wheels and radiator.
The wheels wobble about, eyes move to and fro, and the green bumper and radiator cap move up and down as car is pushed along. The red crank on front makes noise as it is turned. Silver metallic/colored "Fisher Price" litho on side.
Tall blue clown (white or yellow tie), short black body clown
(the two clowns can have red or white fireman hats),
1 set of big yellow feet (little people fit in middle),
green bathtub w/black wheels (u-shaped hitch/coupler on front to pull behind the car),
2 white 5-rung ladders (can connect together) w/last 1/2" bent at an degree angle,
2 crooked white hoses, white hose reel.

# 663
Play Family
All wood, or wood body with plastic head people set.
Pieces :
   1966 version : ( If it was made in this year , which we can't confirm )
Blue body boy ( red cowboy hat )
Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body man, tall ( bald head )
Red body boy ( yellow sideways cap , freckles , frown )
Black body dog ( w/ ?color? collar ) "Lucky"
Green body girl ( red hair in bob, freckles , surprise marks above eyes )
1969 version : Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, freckles , frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body girl ( red braids , freckles )
Red body body ( yellow cowboy hat )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
    1971 version : Red body girl ( blonde braids )
Blue body boy ( red cowboy hat )
Red body boy ( sideways yellow cap , frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body girl ( red hair in bob )
Black body dog ( w/yellow collar ) "Lucky"
1973 version : Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, freckles , frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body girl ( red braids , freckles )
Red body body ( yellow cowboy hat )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
1975 version : Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, freckles , frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body girl ( rust hair in bob , freckles )
Red body body ( yellow cowboy hat )
Black body dog ( w/blue collar ) "Lucky"
1977 version : Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body boy ( sideways red cap, freckles , frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( white hair in bun )
Green body girl ( rust hair in bob , freckles )
Red body body ( yellow cowboy hat )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
     1979 version : Red body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Blue body boy ( yellow cowboy hat )
Yellow body boy ( sideways yellow cap, frown )
Green body man , tall ( bald head )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in pony tail )
Green body girl ( rust hair in bob , freckles )
Black body dog ( w/red collar ) "Lucky"
 ( you might find a white collar , straight sided , "Lucky" w/set )

 # 675
Little People Assortment - Circus Clowns
Set of 3 Circus Clowns
Pieces :
     Orchid purple or red body clown , short ( Yellow cone hat, + + eyes , red nose )
Green body clown , short ( blue top hat )
Orange body clown , short ( Black, flat  hat , + + eyes , red nose , yellow or blue scarf )
(Orange body looks like a "rodeo clown" )

 # 676
Little People Assortment - Westerners
Set of three Westerner Figures
Pieces :
Black body man , tall ( black top hat , white bowtie bib , cookie duster mustache ) Mayor
Green body man , tall ( White 10 gal. hat, red scarf, cookie duster mustache )
Red body man , tall
( Chief's Headress, w/blue symbols , blue scarf, breastplate painted on in either white or black )
( no breastplate in the 1984 , 1987 , or 1989 versions )

Little People Assortment -  Farm Family
Set of three play figure Farmers.
Green body man , tall ( 10 gal. white hat , yellow scarf )
Red body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail or bun )
Blue body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Girl may also be Yellow body ( black hair in bob )

# 678
Little People Assortment - Airport Crew
Set of three Airline crew people.
Pieces :
Tan body man , tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Tan body lady ( blue no bill hat , blonde bob ) Stewardess
Blue body afro - am. man , tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Pilot could be Green body man , tall ( green M cap )
Stewardess could be light blue uniform

# 679
 Little People Assortment - Garage Squad
    Set of three Garage Workers.
Pieces :
Tan body man , tall ( silver hard hat , yellow scarf , eyebrows )
Dark blue body man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )
Tan body man , tall ( silver hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows , mustache )

Green afro-am man , tall ( yellow hard hat , white or orange scarf , eyebrows )
Light blue afro-am. man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )

Light blue body man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )
Green body man , tall ( yellow hard hat , yellow scarf , eyebrows )
Green body man , tall ( silver hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )

# 680
 Little People Assortment
24 Specific Type Little People
Pieces :
Six People from # 675
Orchid purple or red body clown , short ( Yellow cone hat, + + eyes , red nose )
Green body clown , short ( blue top hat )
Orange body clown , short ( Black, flat  hat , + + eyes , red nose , yellow or blue scarf )
(Orange body looks like a "rodeo clown" )
Four People from #676
Black body man , tall ( black top hat , white bowtie bib , cookie duster mustache ) Mayor
Green body man , tall ( White 10 gal. hat, red scarf, cookie duster mustache )
Red body man , tall
( Chief's Headress, w/blue symbols , blue scarf, breastplate painted on in either white or black )
( no breastplate in the 1984 , 1987 , or 1989 versions )
Six People from #677
Green body man , tall ( 10 gal. white hat , yellow scarf )
Red body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail or bun )
Blue body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
Girl may also be Yellow body ( black hair in bob )
Four People from #678
Tan body man , tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Tan body lady ( blue no bill hat , blonde bob ) Stewardess
Blue body afro - am. man , tall ( blue M cap ) Pilot
Pilot could be Green body man , tall ( green M cap )
Stewardess could be light blue uniform
Four People from #679
Tan body man , tall ( silver hard hat , yellow scarf , eyebrows )
Dark blue body man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )
Tan body man , tall ( silver hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows , mustache )

Green afro-am man , tall ( yellow hard hat , white or orange scarf , eyebrows )
Light blue afro-am. man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )

Light blue body man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )
Green body man , tall ( yellow hard hat , yellow scarf , eyebrows )
Green body man , tall ( silver hard hat , orange scarf , eyebrows )

# 683
Animal Pals (Monkey)
Monkey on card with Graphic of Real Monkey.
Pieces :
Brown monkey with dark brown, curly tail.

# 685
 Mini Boat Set
One seater car pulling Boat on trailer.
Pieces :
Red and white , one seat , car ( coupler "C" shaped on back )
Boat trailer with "hook" to be towed by car ( red or white , "V" shaped )
Boat with two holes in bottom ( to keep it on trailer ) in either Red / White or Blue / White
Yellow body boy , Straight sided ( Forward facing cap in either Red , Blue , or white )
Black body dog , Straight sided ( with Red , Blue , or white collar ) "Lucky"
( Dog's collar usually matched boy's hat )

# 686
 Mini Camper Set
One seat car pulling Small Solid Wooden Trailer.
Pieces :
Red and white , one seat , car ( coupler "C" shaped on back )
Boat trailer with "hook" to be towed by car ( red or white , "V" shaped )
Wooden camper ( not much bigger than car , with lithos , and Little People hole in top )
Yellow body boy , Straight sided ( Forward facing cap in either Red , Blue , or white )
Black body dog , Straight sided ( with Red , Blue , or white collar ) "Lucky"
( Dog's collar usually matched boy's hat )

# 686
Animal Pals (Bear)
Bear on card with graphics of real bear.
Pieces :
Orangey/brown bear with tan , oval , tummy spot.

 # 699
Animal Pals
Set of 6 animals.
Pieces :
Orangey/brown bear with tan, oval , tummy spot andtansnout
Brownmonkey with long , curly , dark brown tail
Tan lion w/black mane and tufty tail
Orangey/brown spotty giraffe w/black horns
White cow with brown spots on body and brown ears
Black horse with white mane and tail

# 705
"Mini Snowmobile"
Plastic snowmobile
( runners  same color as windshield , black or red )
Pieces :
Snow sled (runners same color as Snowmobiles ) towed by Mobile
Turquoise body boy ( red forward facing or sideways cap , freckles , smile )
Turquoise body girl ( red hair in bob )
Black dog ( red  or yellow collar ) "Lucky"
( Set sold as Accessory to A - Frame #990 )

# 716
"Play Family Tractor And Cart"
Red tractor and Yellow Cart
Pieces :
Red tractor with big yellow wheels
Yellow cart ( hooks to tractor ) with Red Axels
Blue body boy ( red cowboy hat )
Red chicken ( rooster )
White chicken

# 718
"Tow Truck and Car"
Tow truck set.
Pieces :
Tow truck with permanent driver who looks side to side when toy is pulled.
Red or white windshield and wire tow and hook
Car ( blue and white w/ "C" trailer hitch on back )
Yellow body boy , straight sided ( blue cap , smile )

# 719
"Choo-Choo Train"
Amusement Park train wood and plastic.
Pieces :
One blue train car
One yellow train car
One red train car
( all have one Little People hole in top )
Light blue body boy ( bald , smile )
Green body boy ( bald , freckles , smile , "" surprise marks )
Red body girl (painted hair w/bow , smile , eyelash eyes )
Black body dog , straight sided , pointy black face ( white features , yellow droop ears )

# 720
"Play Family Fire Engine"
1968-1979 and 1987
Wooden fire engine with ladder.
Pieces :
Wood fire engine with two piece ladder ( one exstention ) and bell that rings when toy is pulled.  Also permanent driver ( head ) turns side to side when toy pulled.
( Windshield was Red and Ladder too until 1972 then they were made in white )
First versions had Driver's head made of wood and small post on back for wooden little people,
Later the Driver's head was plastic and the post is too large for wooden little people.
1968 - 1978 version : Black body man , short ( White fire helmet and red arms ) fireman
1973 - 1979 version : Black body man , short ( White fire helmet and white arms ) fireman
1987 version : Book on fire engines ( no little people )

"Play Family House Bath And Utility Room Set"
Bathroom set.
Pieces :
1972 version :   Yellow toilet ( turquoise lid )
Yellow sink
Yellow tub
Turquoise barrel chair ( no triangle on back )
Turquoise bathroom scale
Turquoise bottom yellow top sewing machine
Lime green washer and dryer
Green body man ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
1973 version : Lime green toilet ( yellow lid )
Lime green sink
Lime green tub
Yellow bathroom scale
Yellow barrel chair ( no triangle on back )
Yellow bottom lime green top sewing machine
Turquoise washer and dryer
Green body man ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
   1974 version : Yellow toilet ( turquoise lid )
Turquoise sink
Turquoise tub
Lime green barrel chair ( triangle on back )
Lime green bathroom scale
Lime green bottom turquoise top sewing machine
Yellow washer and dryer
Green body man ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )

1977 version : Yellow toilet ( turquoise lid )
Turquoise sink
Turquoise tub
Lime green barrel chair ( triangle on back )
Yellow bathroom scale
Lime green bottom turquoise top sewing machine
Yellow washer and dryer
Green body man ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
( All years except 1977 had all wood little people , 1977 had wood bodies and plastic heads )

# 726
"Play Family House Patio Set"
Outdoor things set.
Pieces :
  1971 version : Turquoise table with Yellow Umbrella w/flower litho
Turquoise kiddy wading pool with litho of toys on inside, bottom
Yellow , round , short , grill
2 gold barrel chairs
2 orange barrel chairs
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Red body or orange body boy ( bald )
( Little People are all wood )
1973 version : Yellow table with Turquoise Umbrella w/flower litho
Yellow kiddy wading pool with litho of toys on inside, bottom
Turquoise , round , short , grill
2 red barrel chairs
2 yellow barrel chairs
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Red body or orange body boy ( bald )
( People in this year may have had wood bodies , plastic heads )

This set might have been made in 1970 with the only difference from 1973 version being :
2 orange chairs instead of 2 red

Decorator Set
Furnishings for houses
Pieces :
  1970 version : Rust brown double bed
Rust brown sofa
2 rust brown arm chairs
Rust brown , round , table w/checkerboard litho
(The litho could also be a parcheezi game , only in this year and rare )
2 gold twin beds
Yellow coffee table
Yellow TV
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
1971 version : Rust brown double bed
Rust brown sofa
2 rust brown arm chairs
Rust brown , round , table w/checkerboard litho
2 gold twin beds
Yellow coffee table
Yellow TV
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
1972 version :  Orange or Yellow double bed
2 orange or yellow arm chairs
Rust brown or yellow sofa
Rust brown or yellow , round , table w/checkerboard litho
2 rust brown or yellow twin beds
Rust brown coffee table
Rust brown or orange TV
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
( beds could come in gold and table was sometimes orange )

# 729
"Play Family House Kitchen Set"
Kitchen furnishings and appliances.
Pieces :
1971 version : Yellow stove with stovetop litho
Yellow double sink
Yellow refrigerator
Lime green , rectangular , table w/formal setting litho
2 brown barrel chairs
2 lime green barrel chairs
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )

1973 version : Yellow stove with stovetop litho
Yellow double sink
Yellow refrigerator
Brown , rectangular , table w/formal setting litho
2 brown barrel chairs
2 lime green barrel chairs
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
Orange body boy ( bald )
1975 version : Yellow stove with stovetop litho
Yellow double sink
Yellow refrigerator
Lime green , rectangular , table w/formal setting litho
2 brown barrel chairs
2 lime green barrel chairs
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Green body girl ( rust hair in bob , freckles )
Orange body boy ( bald )
( until 1973 the barrel chairs shouldn't have triangles on back )

# 761
"Play Family Nursery Set"
Nursery furnishings and toys.
Pieces :
   1973 version : Turquoise bottom , yellow top , changing table
Pink high chair
Pink rocking horse
Turquoise cradle
 Yellow play pen
Yellow stroller
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( blonde braids )
White body baby ( bald , yellow bib )
 1975 version : Yellow bottom , pink top , changing table
Turquoise high chair
Turquoise rocking horse
Yellow cradle
Pink play pen
Pink stroller
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( rust hair in bob )
White body baby ( bald , yellow bib )
1981 version : Turquoise bottom , yellow top , changing table
Pink high chair
Pink rocking horse
Turquoise cradle
 Yellow play pen
Yellow stroller
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( rust hair in bob )
White body baby ( bald , yellow bib )

1984 version : Yellow bottom , pink top , changing table
Turquoise high chair
Turquoise rocking horse
Yellow cradle
Pink play pen
Pink stroller
Green body man , tall ( bald )
Blue body lady ( blonde hair in ponytail )
Blue body girl ( rust hair in bob )
White body baby ( bald , yellow bib )
 1986 version : Turquoise bottom , yellow top , changing table
Pink high chair
Pink rocking horse
Turquoise cradle
 Yellow play pen
Yellow stroller
Green body man , tall ( black molded hair )
Red body lady (black hair in bun )
Blue body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
White body baby ( w/yellow bib and bonnet )
1989 version : Turquoise bottom , yellow top , changing table
Pink high chair
Pink rocking horse
Turquoise cradle
 Yellow play pen
Yellow stroller
Greenbody man , tall ( black molded hair )
Red body lady (black hair in bun )
Blue body girl ( blonde hair in bob )
White body baby ( w/yellow bib and bonnet )
Furnishings also came in these colors :
Pink bottom , turquoise top , changing table
  Yellow rocking horse
Pink cradle
Turquoise play pen
Turquoise stroller

 # 789
 "Lift and Load Road Builders"
Construction workers and their acrutements.
Pieces :
Green and yellow scoop loader
Green and yellow dump truck
grey crate
2 black barrels
    3 gold , double pylon , barricades
( "board" with a pylon on either end )
25 MPH sign with black border ( yellow color )
Gold "Men at work" sign ( pic of man shoveling )
Light blue body man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf ) construction worker
Light blue body afro-am. man , tall ( orange hard hat , orange scarf ) construction worker


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