Welcome to ~*Rainbow Brite World*~, headed by, me, Amy! I am 13, female, and I love basketball! In my free time, I surf the net, practice basketball, hang out with my cat (Pepper) and my 5 fish. I have 3 Zebra fish, named Frisky, Ziggy, and Windy (one of my favorite fish). I also have a cat fish named Cookies and Cream, and a Platty named Fins (he's my other favorite. I am really sorry to say but I had to put Dotty out of her misery today (8/7) because she had horrible fin rot. Snow White also died too. My friend and I are baffled of why she would die. She's such a new fish. She also died today. I love to swim, especially in inground pools, and at the beach where my family owns a little beach house. I met one of my best friends at the beach, who has a house two streets over from me. In the winter, I play for the Tewksbury Tigers school basketball team. Go Tigers! You can almost always find me on AOL Instant Messager under the name RnBrite654 or OTSTigers. IM me some time. I would love to chat. I will update when something new happens in my life!

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