Hello Everybody!
I almost never update this website, which is not very smart since I'm a web designer, and this is a rather bad design that I did when I just started out. I'm only updating this page today because I just heard that prospective employers often Google you these days to see what kind of person you are. I thought it would be a good idea to take out all the references to felonies here. (Just kidding.)
If you are an old friend who hasn't spoken with me in ages, please drop me a line by using my contact form. Just fill out the name, email address, and comments section. I love hearing from old friends, and I'm especially interested in hearing from Greg C., my best guy friend in high school who seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. If you know who I'm talking about and where to reach him, tell him to drop me a line.
Thanks for checking out my home page. Catcha later! |
Random stuff about me:
- I've been married since 1987,
and I have two great sons, Jared and Brandon.
- I drink Diet Pepsi. I'm not militant about which cola I drink, though. If Coke is cheaper, I'll buy it. People who won't even eat at Taco Bell because they serve Pepsi instead of Coke are just stupid. I mean, OK... You prefer one over the other. But it's not like they're that different. It's not like one tastes like cola and the other tastes like cat urine. Jeeze.
- I write short, weird fiction. I've entered two writing contests, and had my submissions published both times. Unfortunately, I'm not disciplined enough to be a serious writer. I usually only write when I have a deadline (like for a writing class or something). Plus, it doesn't pay at all well unless you're Stephen King, so why bother?
- I have a degree in Graphic
Design Technology and one in Interdisciplinary Humanities. Please don't ask me what the IH degree is good for. I just did it because there was no math involved. (Just kidding... My main disciplines were art and comm art, which go well with what I do for a living.)
- I work out of my home doing
graphics and small business websites. www.riotta.com
I mostly do websites, but don't judge me by this one, which
I did wayyyy before I got good at it.
- I also have a day job doing web design and instructional technology support at a local college.
- I can't dance.
(Well... I can do that chicken dance thing they do at the
October Fest, but I have to be really hammered to attempt
even THAT.)
- I love to shoot pool.
(In lieu of dancing.) However, when I shoot pool I have to drink beer, and when I drink beer I have to smoke, and I quit smoking August 6, 2002. I'm now addicted to nicotine gum, which is much more expensive than cigarettes, but at least I don't reek anymore.
- I used to think karaoke
sucks, but it's actually kind of fun if you participate....
and if you're really tipsy. (But since I don't drink/smoke/party, I guess no more karaoke humiliation.)
- I'm originally from central
Missouri, and I'll probably move back there some day.
(Unless I can get my whole family to move to Florida, instead.)
- Favorite music: Nickelback,
Audiovent, Creed, Disturbed, Godsmack, VAST, Stabbing Westward
... (It is not mandatory to stop liking this kind of music
just because you're getting old.) I also like symphony music, and I totally love a combination of rock and symphony: Trans-Siberian Orchestra, for example.
- I have a tattoo of a
seahorse on my ankle.
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I have bored
people to death with this page. |